Chapter 1

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Outfit : 

I stood at the train station with my beloved aunt standing in front of me. Her hand constantly adjusting my tag trying to make sure that my tag didn't fall off. She always worried about the littlest things and I was going to miss that while I was away.

I know wars don't last forever, but I wish they didn't have to happen at all. I did not want to leave my hair brained aunt to fend for herself while my uncle was out fighting and I was being hidden away in the countryside.

As she continued to fidgeted with the tag, I brought my hand up to gently stop hers."I'll be alright Aunt Ginny, you don't have to worry about me." I tell her reassuringly.

Ginny cups my face as her mother. "You are so much like your mother, always more concerned about others than yourself." She says placing a kiss on my forehead.

"So you've told me." I said with a smile. I barely remember her since my father and mother died when I was very young in a factory explosion, but my aunt always made sure to describe her sister to me.

"You take care of yourself, okay?" She said, hugging me.

"Only if you promise to do the same." I tell her and she nods as she lets me go.

"Of course dear. Now off you go." She says waving me off towards the train. I pick up my bag and head to the ticket handler and hand him my ticket. Satisfied with my ticket, he gestures for me to get onto the train and I climb on. I start moving through the crowd when I see a young girl about 7 or 8 with short brown hair and big blue eyes looking around frantically, fear dancing in her eyes. Instinctively I grab the young girls' hand and pull her into a nearly empty cart.

"Are you alright sweetheart? I'm sorry for grabbing you without permission, but I didn't want you to get trampled." I apologize to the young girl as I crouch down to her level.

"It's alright. I just lost my brothers and sister." She says sadly looking at the doorway to see if they pass by.

"Oh dear, why don't you sit with me? I'm sure they'll be checking the carts for you and it's much safer for you to be in here than be pushed around by the crowd. Besides, it seems we are going to the same place." I suggest, looking down at her badge.

She nods and I take her luggage and mine, placing them in the overhead compartment before taking a seat beside her across from the two other kids in this cart.

Suddenly, a train whistle cuts through the air, signaling that the train is about to leave. The two children stick their head out the window to wave at their mother and Lucy and I follow suit looking for our respective guardians. I see my aunt and send her another reassuring smile as the train travels further and further away from the place I call home.

-          -           -

"I'm Lucy. Lucy Pevensie." The small girl introduces after the two of us sat down again.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lucy. I'm Constance Morgan. But you can call me Connie." I tell her and she smiles.

"You have a very pretty name." She says.

"Why thank you, Lucy." I say with a warm smile.

"Lucy!" I hear someone say, Lucy and I turn to see a blond haired boy about a year older than me with the same piercing blue eyes as Lucy rush into the cart.

Lucy gets out of her seat and quickly rushes to who I assume is her brother. "Where on Earth did you go Lucy?!" He asks panicky, checking his younger sister over for any injuries.

"Lucy! Thank goodness." A dark haired girl around my age says walking into the cart with a boy around 10 with the same dark hair, but brown eyes instead of the blue the rest of his siblings had.

"I got lost in the crowd and Connie saved me from being trampled by guiding me into this cart." Lucy tells her siblings pointing over at me. Peter stands up and walks over to me. I stand as well not wanting my head to be at this guys' crotch level.

"Thank you for helping Lucy. I'm her brother Peter and these are our siblings Susan and Edmund." Peter says introducing me to his other siblings and extends his hand for a handshake.

"A pleasure to meet you all. I'm Constance, but you can call me Connie. And it was no trouble at all." I said to them as I shook Peter's hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach and quickly released his hand, turning my eyes away from his. I hope I am not blushing.

"Would it be alright if we sat in here?" Susan asks me.

"I don't see a problem with it. We should probably get to know each other after all since we'll be spending a lot of time together." I say, gesturing to our labels which were all the same.

"You're staying with Professor Kirke?" Peter asks, sounding almost excited by the idea and I heard Edmund snicker, the first time I've seen an expression aside from annoyance on his face.

"Yes." I nod. I take Susan's bag from her and place it up next to Lucy's. Peter does the same with his and Edmund's luggage. Edmund takes a seat by the window where I had been and Susan sat down beside him. I planned to sit by the two strange children who refused to speak so the siblings could sit by each other, but Lucy had other plans. The young girl pulled me into the seat next to Susan then took a seat on my lap.

"Lucy!" Susan scolded her sister for her lack of manners and I laughed.

"It's quite alright Susan." I assured Susan and the girl's expression softened as I re-adjusted Lucy on my lap. Peter took the seat across from Lucy and I beside the two other children.

Not wanting to disturb the other children, the five of us stayed silent. I pulled out my book and began to read, but when Lucy asked me what I was reading I started reading the book aloud to her in a whisper.

When the other two children got off the train two stops later and I finished the chapter Lucy and I were on. Peter breaks the silence.

"So where are you from Connie?" Peter asks me as he and Susan move to sit on the other side of the cart and Lucy gets down to sit right next to me, taking my hand in hers.

"I live just outside of Finley with my aunt and uncle. What about you four?" I ask.

"Oh! The four of us live in Finely with our parents, but our father is away at war at the moment." Susan tells me.

"So is my uncle." I tell them and we all sit there awkwardly, thinking about our loved ones who were out fighting the good fight.

"Why do you live with your aunt and uncle? What happened to your parents?" Edmund asks, speaking for the first time.

"Edmund!" Peter says with a warning tone.

"It's quite alright Peter. If I were in his shoes I would be asking the same question." I said, sending a small reassuring smile at Edmund.

"My parents died in a factory explosion when I was 3, I've been living with my maternal aunt and her husband since." I told him.

"I'm sorry." Lucy said, sounding as sincere as a sweet child could.

"Thank you, but it was a long time ago Lucy. I've moved on as my parents would have wanted me to. My father always said life was too short to dwell on the things you could never control." I tell her and she nods.

The rest of the train ride went by quickly, the five of us having trivial conversations about normal things. It was nice to talk to kids my age about things other than the war. Finally it was our stop and the five of us grabbed our luggage and got off the train and onto a rusty old train station.

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