Chapter 3

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Outfit : 

Unfortunately for Lucy, the day was not as wonderful as Peter had promised. It was pouring outside and there was nothing for us to do inside. Rain trickled on the old window, adding to everyone's sorrow.

Lucy stared out the window sadly and I sat beside her sketching a picture for her of whatever she asked. Edmund was under a chair carving up the underside with a knife. And Susan was sitting across from Peter on the couch with a huge dictionary trying to get him to play a guessing game about the words to pass the time.

"Gastrovascular." Susan read out from the dictionary. After a few silent moments, Susan tries to encourage Peter and keep his attention on the boring game. "Come on, Peter. Gastrovascular."

"Is it Latin?" Peter asked with a bored tone looking over at me as I showed Lucy what I've drawn so far. Susan nods her head in conformation at Peters' answer.

"Latin for the worst game ever invented?" Edmund asks with a snicker, making Susan slam the book closed in anger.

"We could play hide and seek!" Lucy suggests getting down off the window sill to run to her eldest brother.

"But we're already having so much fun." Peter says sarcastically, resulting in Susan setting her narrowed gaze on him.

"Come on Peter, please." Lucy begs.

"As long as there's no running or shouting it's not against the rules." I say, causing Lucy to grin.

"Peter please." She continues to beg. Peter smiles warmly at his sister before he starts counting. Lucy's whole face lights up before she grabs my hand and races out of the room.

After many failed attempts at finding a hiding place, Lucy and I stumble across an unlocked room with nothing but something in the back of the room with a tarp covering it.

Lucy and I slowly approach it and Lucy carefully pulls the cover off of what I now knew was a beautiful wardrobe. I gently open the door to the wardrobe and motion for Lucy to get inside.

"Get in Lucy! I'll find somewhere else to hide." I tell her in a whisper. She nods before climbing in with all the coats. Once she is safely inside I close the door and run out of the room. I run further down the hallway and find a little closet to hide in.

I hadn't even been sitting in there for a minute when I heard shouting. "It's okay! I'm back! I'm back!" Lucy yells. What? I leave the room to see all the siblings standing by the curtain where Edmund was hiding.

"Does that mean Connie and I won?" Susan asks.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," Peter tells us.

"I've been gone for hours." Lucy declares, looking at all of us confused. The girls' genuine confusion concerns me. All of us stare at her, confused.

"In the wardrobe?" I ask, and she nods her head.

The five of us go into the room with the wardrobe. Susan immediately climbs into the wardrobe, moves the coats aside, and taps on the wood-paneled back. Edmund does the same on the outer back. "Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe," Susan says as she climbs out.

"One game at a time Lu. We don't all have your imagination." Peter tells his sister. And the older Pevensie siblings start to leave the room.

"But I wasn't imagining!" Lucy says, getting more and more upset. Her siblings turn to face her, hearing the frustration in her voice.

"That's enough Lucy." Susan says.

"I wouldn't lie about this!"

"Well, I believe you," Edmund states, sarcasm evident in his voice. I can't help but let out an exasperated sigh, knowing this is not going to end well.

Lucy looks at him, suspiciously. Not buying it. "You do?"

"Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboards?"

Poor Lucy looks like she might cry. "No, will you just stop?" Peter states, exasperated with his brother's attitude. "You just have to make everything worse, don't you?"

"It was just a joke!"

"When are you going to learn to grow up?"

"Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!" With that outburst, Edmund runs out of the room ending the brothers' bickering for now.

Susan looks at Peter, disappointment filling her eyes. "Well, that was nicely handled," Susan says mockingly to Peter before leaving the room. Probably in search of Edmund.

"But...It really was there." Lucy says quietly one last time, feeling guilty that she had started the dispute between her brothers.

"Susan's right, Lucy. That's enough." Peter then turns away from his little sister and leaves the room. Leaving the little girl and eye all alone in the room.

Lucy turns to look at me with her sad big blue eyes, her little lips pouting. "Do you believe me?"

"Of course I do Lucy." I say warmly crouching down to her level. Lucy's face lights up and she jumps into my arms hugging me.

"Why do you believe me and they don't?" Lucy asks me sadly as we hug.

"Because they are using the wrong type of logic." I tell her as she pulls away.

"What do you mean?" She asks, confused.

"They think because they can't see it, it's not there." I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"Then what logic are you using?" She asks me.

"Lucy, do you have a habit of lying?" I ask her and she shakes her head no.

"And there it is. If you are someone who tends to tell the truth, you are likely telling the truth." I say and she smiles at me.

"Now come on, let's get you some food and get you ready for bed. You can tell me all about Mr. Tummas and the forest." I tell her and Lucy beams at me and takes my hand. Hand in hand, Lucy and I head towards the kitchen, her voice filling my ears with her most recent adventure.

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