Chapter 2

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The five of us looked around to see if there was anyone waiting for us, but we saw no one.

"Professor Kirke knew we were coming?" Susan asked as an anxious Lucy clutched her hand.

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled." Edmund says as he examines his label.

Suddenly we hear the sound of hooves clip clopping across gravel. The five of us turn to see a woman on an old wooden cart being pulled by a cart. The women stopped the cart in front of the five of us.

"Mrs. Macready?" I asked, looking up at the middle-aged women who looked as strict as a prison warden. 

"I'm afraid so." The woman answered bluntly, eyeing us and our luggage. "Is this it, then? Haven't you brought anything else?" Not much was salvageable after the last bombing, so everything I now owned was in the large bag I clutched in my hand.

"No ma'am." Peter answered. "It's just us."

Mrs. Macready raised her brow at him before going stone faced again. "Small favors." She then gestured for us to climb aboard her cart.

Peter helped me up onto the cart last, his hands grasping mine a bit longer than necessary. He blushed before pulling his hand back.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"It's not a problem, Peter." I said as I took a seat beside Lucy. I see Lucy smiling suggestively at Peter, but I choose to ignore it. We just met afterall.

The ride to the mansion was quiet, none of us daring to speak.

When we finally reached the house Mrs. Macredy ushered us into the entryway of the large estate.

"The professor is not accustomed to having children in his home. So there will be no shouting, no running, no misuse of the dumbwaiter. NO, touching the historical artifacts!" Mrs. Macready says, saying the last part to Susan who was about to touch a sculpture of a face. I could see Susan's siblings snickering at their sister's dismay, but I kept a straight face for her sake.

Mrs. Macready continued to lead us up the stairs and came to a stop later in front of two rooms a couple of steps later.

"This will be the girls' room, the one across will be for the boys. Dinner will be served at 6. I expect everyone to be there on time." Mrs. Macready said and with that she left us alone.

Each of us went to our respective rooms, claiming our beds. I chose the one on the same side as the door so Susan and Lucy would have beds right beside each other and placed my luggage down at the foot of the bed. I also placed the book I had been holding on the nightstand next to my bed. 

-                           -                             - 

It was nighttime and all of us were listening to the radio in the girls' bedroom, hearing the latest news on the war. I didn't really care to hear, but I listened for their sake.

I looked over to see Lucy looking distressed and immediately walked over to the radio and turned it off. The older 3 Pevensie's glared at me, but I gestured over to their sister.

"What's the matter, Lu?" Peter asks his sister softly, picking up on her emotional state.

"The sheets are scratchy." Lucy sulks and I get up and grab her a spare blanket which is slightly softer than the sheets. 

"Don't worry, Lucy. Wars don't last forever." Susan assures her sister and I help adjust the blanket so it is keeping the sheets from touching Lucy's skin.

"Besides, we are staying in this huge house. I promise tomorrow will be loads of fun." Peter tells his sister. Satisfied with his answer, Lucy snuggled into the bed and closed her eyes.

After Lucy closed her eyes Susan headed over to bed and I mine. Edmund left to go to his room as soon as he had seen Lucy sulking. Peter headed for the door so he could go to his room, but he stopped by my bed.

"Thank you for what you did." Peter thanks me.

"It's no trouble at all Peter." I told him.

"Well, regardless, thanks." Peter says awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

The two of us stood there awkwardly, staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"Have a goodnight, Connie." Peter said, coughing awkwardly.

"Good night, Peter." I say and he walks out of the room.

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