part 5

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5:06 pm
private messages

miniverse.___ is online!

Hey, just letting you know I'm on
my way to the library right now.

jy_piece is online!

All right, I've tided up a little but
there are still a lot of books left to be put
back if you're okay with that.

Yeah, that's fine.
See you soon.

See ya

miniverse.___ is offline!

jy_piece is offline!


5:12 pm
Thursday afternoon


Seungmin was currently walking down a hallway, towards the school's library. That was until he saw two figures at the end of the hall walk into the library.

Not that Seungmin saw who it was, but he had a feeling that it was people he knew. And he was certainly right.

He finally reached the doors to the library, reaching out and pulling them open and then entering the quiet library. On his left was a pretty large trolley/organiser that was filled with books, and on the side of it, the tray carrying the books was covered in random stickers, some from anime and some from random cartoons.

To the right was a big L-shaped table. On one side the desk reached the wall, making more space to place things, probably books. And the other side was open making space for people to walk in and sit behind the table. Sat in the middle of it was a small computer with a laptop sitting next to it, in which a person was sitting typing, switching between the computer and the laptop.

To Seungmin's 'surprise', it was Jeongyeon.

"Hey Jeongyeon," he said, walking up to stand in front of the table.

"Hey min, how are you?" She replied, still looking at the two screens in front of her.

"I'm alright, what about you?" He asked, leaning over the table, trying to peek at what she was working on.

"I'm doing okay, just finishing this one thing. I don't know how to end it though, so stupid," she said, finally looking up at the boy in front of her.

"Here, I'll help," Seungmin said, walking round to the side of the desk and standing behind her.

"I just don't get why I can't finish it," Jeongyeon stated, squinting her eyes and leaning forwards towards the screen in front of her.

"Because that whole paragraph doesn't make sense," Seungmin said, holding back his laugh.


"It's just gibberish,"

"I guess I might be tired," she laughed a little, scratching the back of her head.

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