8. Icicles with Properly

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A/N I know the chapter name makes no sense for now. Cut me some slack ok?

Ooh new pov!

Yang's P.O.V

"Heya Blakey!" I said.

"Don't call me that please."

"Hasn't Ruby been acting strange lately?"

"I suppose," Blake agreed. Yang was worried about her cousin. Ruby had been spending more and more time with Oscar, and more and more time away from Weiss. It was like she'd been preprogrammed to hate Weiss and love Oscar or something.

Little did she know...

-wild P.O.V change has attacked! It's super effective! Yang has fainted. Go, Weiss!-

Weiss couldn't help but have a crush on Ruby. But, you know, who wouldn't? Her wolf tail was super adorable and her silver eyes...

Well, Weiss could've written a novel with how many words she could use to describe them. Distracting Weiss from her studies was  probably half. 

Slowly her grades began to slip; sure, Ruby and Oscar were together, but things could change. Oscar didn't seem too interested in her anymore. In fact, Oscar often seemed more interested in her brother than in Ruby at this point.

Weiss wasn't sure how she felt about that, but it was better than nothing.

One day, she noticed Ruby wasn't wearing her mother's necklace. "Hey, Ruby," she called. Ruby jumped, yelping with fear, looked at Weiss and blushed.

"Hey," she replied. Weiss noticed it in her hand and stared at the emblem.

"That looks... familiar," she noted. "Very familiar."

"What do you mean?" Ruby inquired.

"I think that's mine," she said. "I don't know why, but I feel like it."

"It is yours, silly! You gave it to me, remember?" She said, and then stumbled. "Wait. You gave this..." I couldn't breathe. What was she talking about?

"Sorry, Weiss. You'll thank me later," she said, and then smashed it against the ground.

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