hard day

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I wake up at six I'm the morning and get ready for work as soon as I'm finished getting into my work clothes I get my lunch and my coffee.
I get into my car and leave for work I go park my car and go into the garage and I get onto the car and start grafting, it then comes to 4 hours of doing work then I go off for lunch me and my work partner sit down and listen and talk about cars and have a laugh while eating lunch, she's been my work partner for 5 years now, we have a laugh and talk about our kids and stuff.
We go back to the car and start drilling, as she  presses the botton to keep the car in place on the machine I go under the car and tighten the bolts I go and get the wheels and put them on, we look at the time and realise our shift ends in three minutes we both stop on the car and get ready to leave.

As I get in my car my boss comes over to my car and gives me my paycheck, say thank you and keep it professional, as I leave the drive way I go to the bank and put the money in, I look at the time and I've finished quite early today, I try getting home faster to spend time with Kim and the kids when they get back from school and hangout with theo since he's to young for school yet.

I get home at 2 and as soon as I get into the drive way I lock up and run Into the house, I come in to find kim sat on the sofa watching her movie on the couch.

Hey baby, how's theo?

Heyy he's alright he fast asleep in bed. Kim says getting up and hugging me we both share a kiss and as I break the kiss I go up stairs and get showered and dressed, I go back down stairs and snuggle up to Kim, I kiss her then her neck. She puts herself on top of me and kisses my neck and I hold onto her waist as she kisses me. She whispers in my ear "we have an hour and a half let's go upstairs" as get up she has a smirk on her face pulling me along with her upstairs to our room, when we got into the room she kisses me all over she was a HOT MESS it's was kinda mind blowing I liked it for sum odd reason, it's something new.

I got onto the bed and I lay down she throws the strap onto the bed as she walking into the bathroom to get into sumet I didn't get to see what. I put the strap on, I tighten it so it doesn't fall off. The door slowly opens and it was kim in a gown, it looked amazing on her. As I was mesmerising every inch of her body then going weak to my knees, she gets on top and kisses me again the slides her hand in my boxers then pulls the dick out of hole thingy in my boxers, she slides it out and sits up and looks at me, I put lube on it then watch her as takes off her gown, I rub the lube onto the dick technically jerking it. Kim looks and bites her bottom lip, ties her up in a messy bun and sits back down she jerks the dick rubbing in the lube more. " I get my hair cut down tomoz I need it" "mhm yes u do" Kim says mumbling.

As I mean about hair cut I mean as in my hair is like cut as a boy and I haven't maintained it so it's gone qwackers soo yea ill show you what the haircut will look like when it's cut

As I mean about hair cut I mean as in my hair is like cut as a boy and I haven't maintained it so it's gone qwackers soo yea ill show you what the haircut will look like when it's cut

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Kim then moves up abit more and kisses my neck leaving hickes, I put lube on the end of my fingers and rub it around Kim's clit so it's easier for the strapon, she let's out little moans then I slide my two fingers in swirling them around her moan increases alittle more.
I slide the dick in as she slowly bounces on it, I turn her around so I'm on top. I move my hips more making me go in her more faster with abit of thrust, she groans as she grips onto my hair, I start to pound into her harder, she wraps her legs around my waits and grips on harder making her nails dig into me, I groan from the pain of her nails but it doesn't bother me as much, as I move more the bed hit wall louder, kims puts her hands on the headboard gripping onto it as I go deeper and rougher, I take it out As she squirts, I put it in straight after she finished and carried on from where I was.
She then let go and had a orgasm, but I still carried on her orgasm went to a moan but then her moan increased going louder, I go in and out thrusting into her as she cums while squirting I go slower putting in and out her moans go quieter and quieter, we both get off each other and look at the time.
"we've got twenty minutes to get ready babe" we both get up and get ready & changed we go and pick up ell from school with theo In the pram, as Kim pushed theo I pick up ell and put her on my shoulders and we laugh as we leave the school primiters. As we get home we order tea cus we couldn't be arsed to cook, so we all sit in the living room and eat while watching dindins...


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