My Birthday

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It was about half seven, the sun just finishing rising and the morning Saturday sky was getting brighter and sunnier.
I woke up to my lover not beside me I was confused she usually hugs me before I go to work but oh well maybe not today?
Anyway I got into the shower and got myself done up for work I got into my work clothes nd started to make my way through the kitchen. When I just got to the kitchen door way two little beautiful children come running towards me and hug me tightly I hug them back and I hear two little whispers in my ear "happy birthday dada" even though I'm not there dad and I'm there mom is confusing for them to understand why they've got two mums and I like it more being called dada (dad) i think it's more better it makes my heart melt when I hear it come out of there little tiny mouths, when they both went back to doing what they were doing I went In fridge to pack my lunch before I go.
As just as I'm about to close the door the door stops I'm confused, I look And see Kim holding the door so it doesn't shut "you forgetting about me already??" As a joke I giggle and say no then hug her tightly before I leave I give her kiss on the lips and walk out the door to go to work.

As I walk into work i see me work partner and boss waiting for me at the garage I go up and I'm so confused I go up to them slowly wondering what's gonna happen when I walk in *am I in trouble* I say in my head *maybe I am idk let's just walk in Chlo and get this day over with* I walk through the door and my boss gives me a big pay check since it was paycheck day! I say thank you and I go straight to work he ask if we should all have a break and go out for dinner instead of having boring sandwiches. I look and remember that Kim did me a lunch today I go to my bag and pull out my dinner it looked banging! I sat down and ate my dinner my boss comes up and sees me eating my dinner "I'm guessing Kim made you that dinner, looks quite good ngl! I'm jealous that you get that I don't even get a kiss when I'm off to work" my boss says with a fat smile on his face we both look at each other and have a giggle then my work partner came in "damnnn I swear kim upgraded your meals everyday lemme taste this one" he says with a smile on his face looking at my dinner he takes his folk and digs it in my dinner
"Dammnn Chlo that shit is amazing I'm jealous!" He says with shock on his face. "Thanks bro it's banging I love her to pieces"
"Y'all wanna go to that new restaurant or what?" My boss says with a smile on his face with hunger I finish off my dinner and so does everyone else who loves Kim's cooking and we go the restaurant we sit down and order some food.
Hour later after eatin food and talking and having a laugh it comes to the paying, I offer to pay but they all say no stopping me from reaching out my card
"Watchu doin I'm paying?" "We don't want you to you stupid it's your birthday nobody pays for there dinner on there own birthday!" My boss says smiling and so does the others agreeing with mark (the boss)
i look at the date and realise it's my birthday, Im in shock to realise i didn't know it was my birthday. 7 hours later...
I finished my shift for the day and went straight home to the kids surprising Me I hug them as I come in and kiss both of there foreheads I come into the kitchen to see Kim but she wasn't there I went back to the kids and asked them were mommy was " shes in da shower da" ell says with a big smile on his face. "okay sweety thank you!" I say tapping her head politely I go to the master bathroom and see her in the shower i look and see her towel on the towel rack I take it with me and I leave the room so she has no towel i check the time and it was half six I went to the kitchen and shouted ell. Ell eventually made her way to kitchen with a smile on her face full of joy "have you guys eaten yet princess?" I say lifting her up and putting her in my arms "no not yet,why". "Are you hungry do you guys want food?" I say after kissing her forehead "yes please can you read me a bed time story after tea?" Ell says kissing my cheek.
"Ofc I can princess let's get your food done go pick out a book" "okayyy!" Ell goes off and goes pick out a book and put it beside a big girl bed she makes her way back and sits down ready for tea I make them tomato soup with bread I put Theo in his highchair and I feed them there food they eventually settle down I put Theo to bed he passed him bless him he's had a big day. Ell then goes to bed waiting for me to tuck her in and read her a bed, I took her in and read her bed four minutes into the book she then eventually fell asleep as I leave the room I switch off there lights and put there night lights on I left them to sleep and dream. I go to bed and ready for bed sit into bed and play on my phone scrolling through Insta eventually I hear my name been Shouted, I go the bathroom and see what's wrong with Kim, "where's my towel gone I swear I put it on the towel rack?" "Well it wasn't in there when I came to wash my hands?" I say trying to play the act "hm, okayy" Kim get out the shower and I admire her body I look at every part Kim eventually got the act and smacked my hand "you pain in the ass you!" I giggle and go the sink to brush my teeth I go back to bed and Kim's already in bed not even changed, I get in bed with her, she comes over and hugs me she then makes her way on top snd kisses my neck I stop her from kissing my neck she looks at me confused " what you doing? You know what that does to me" I say looking right in her eyes, she smiles knowing what she was doing " playing back at your game, daddy" I pull her closer and kiss her slowly making it into a make out she grinds alittle and then stops to tease me I smack her thigh lightly she lets out a little giggle I got up and went to bathroom to shower and change, once I was finished I came back to her with box on the bed I get put my undeas on and get into bed I open the box and they was a strap and a vibrator. " who's that for you or me?" I say laughing she laughs back "it for you to go to me" she says with a smirk on her face I pick up the vibrator and turn it on I put it in Kim's face and giggles " this is a weird looking thing? We both giggle at it. "Play with me daddy" she whispers In my ear, I get the shivers (not in a bad way, a good way) I put the vibrator near clit and slowly move it around her sides she lets out little moans as they increase as I play with the settings, I get on top and kiss my way down to her private parts I kiss her clit and suck it gently. I lick her clit faster moving it in different directions her moans increase as she groans, she puts her hand on my head and pushes my head closer she grinds on my face as she moans and little moans come out "oh..fu- fuck" I go faster putting my three fingers in moving them faster she moans louder and louder technically screaming I stop and put on the strap so she can breathe for abit asoon as I had it on she get on top she grinds slowly making it faster she screams loud then lifts herself up she squirts all over the dick and me we giggle and kiss I slid it back in and thrust in her faster she moans louder in my ear turning me on more, I kiss her neck then making my way back to her lips she bits my bottom lip then sit more further down onto the dick she squirts she lifts up again squirting I put it straight back in and thrust harder untill she screams "oh fuck me!" Kim screams squirting again louder she then cums and drips slowly down her thigh as it's shaking she get back on the dick and rides it more she gets slowly finishing off I put the vibrator on her clit she squirts more untill she's empty the only thing she could do was cum she screams in pleasure and grips into the bedsheet pulling it off I take the dick out and Kim lays down next to me we're both dripping with sweat we go into shower and wash each other and get ready for bed we put new covers on and sheets and watch movies until we fall asleep, I kiss kims forehead then her lips and we both say " i love you" and we both fall asleep....

To be continued....

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