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We had our last two days having fun going out spending our money, ell got loads of barbies Kim and ell even went to go watch Barbie in cinema while me and Theo went skiing and went to play video games well I did he watched and laughed. After we did our things and ell and Kim did there we met up to get dinner I put Theo in front so he could see everything since we were in a off road jeep it was amazing to drive, we went to go pick up ell and Kim from the cinema I pulled up and saw Kim's face to see Theo in the front taking "her" seat 😭
Kim switch Theo around and she got back into her seat with a smile on her face. We got to the restaurant and order Theo and ell were happy to see each other and sat next to each other but then eventually wanted to sit next to me (Theo is a daddy's boy where as ell is a mommy girls)

We ate and finished up our food and got back to the car to go to our cabin to get ready to pack so we can leave tomorrow without no rush.

Back at the cabin
We finshed packing and Theo and ell were asleep kim went to bed coz she didn't feel well she kept on having weird cramps for some reason shes probably on her period.
Two minutes of me playing on my PlayStation I heard little screaming coming from our room. I rushed in saw Kim sat there on the bed with a smile on her face full of excitement.
I look at her confused mixed with concerned face. She came to me and hugged me with tears down her eyes and showed me a pregnant positive test I looked at her shocked but also worried she might have a another miss carriage

(She doesn't have one don't worry)

I gave her a big squeeze and we were both happy
We went to the living room to ring our parents about it.
Emma & Stuart - my mum and dad
Kat & Darren - Kim's parents

Phone call:
"Kim what's the matter why you ringing at this time are you okay!?"
Stuart- is she dead?!
Kim- "No guys I gotta tell you something exciting!"
"Oh okay show us"
Stuart- "well stop killing time tell usss we're desperate, are we having another Collinson!!!"
Kim- "yes, we are turns out I'm pregnant!!!"
We have our fun in the call and show them the pregnancy test.

(Darren and kat split up ages ago so we have to call them separately)

Kat- "hey darling you okay, you enjoying your holiday!"
Kim- "yes I am very much I've got something special to tell you!"
Kat- "oh, okay come on then I've got Oscar dinner to cook coz I've got him this week!"
Kim- "oh okay, we'll I've got another one on the way!"
Kat- "wym?, you got another dog?
Kim- "no, mam I'm pregnant we're having another one!"
Kat- "omg really I can't wait, I hope it's another girl!"
Me- " I want another boy wym!!"
We laughed and joked then we called Darren and he was happy we both went to bed and chilled out for a bit and then eventually fell asleep.


We all got up and ate and got ourselves ready our plane got cancelled so we gotta get the next plane flight at midnight so we're good for the day !
We got Kim to the doctors to find out how long she was pregnant for, turns out she was three weeks pregnant must've been when we did before we booked the holiday.
We went back home and told the kids Theo was soo happy and so was ell! We all chilled out and then eventually got everything in the car and cleaned up the cabin, we then got in the car and set off back to the plane we got on the plane and we all fell asleep as we woke up we were Landing we got off and got back to my sexy car I missed it sooo much! We went home and got everything to the side we put food and water out for teddy coz he would of been hungry and thirsty the kids went straight to bed and so did we


I woke way before Kim coz I had work it was 6:00AM I got myself ready and got the bus this time to work coz I thought of getting Sumet after work 🤭
It was half 5 I did extra shift coz one of my work partner was off with the flu so I got paid extra I did my paycheck in and I went to the car store what litrally next door and I was looking at some cars then this caught my eye.
The car:

I got the guy and looked inside of it and I love itI bought the car and drove it home

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I got the guy and looked inside of it and I love it
I bought the car and drove it home.
Kim's pov: 
I was chilling out as I heard a big rev down the street I didn't recognise the sound of the car im usually used Chlo coming home in her moto bike or a mustang but she didn't even come home yet, I got interrupted by my thoughts by Theo shouting
"Daddy in a sports car mama!"
I got Theo in my arms and ell stormed out the house and so did we and we saw Chlo pulling into the drive way with a porche we got the kids into the back of it the seats we're small but they didn't car I got into passenger side we went out to drive and Chlo sped up I loved it it's was amazing, Chlo looked so hot driving it!
My pov:
I fucking loved the car it's amazing, AND ITS MINE!!! YESS!!



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