Chapter 1-In the Beginning

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Ok he picture looks Cool..this is my first story so..Enjoy∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

Disclaimer:No body sky people

Neteyams Pov: *Sighs*We had to leave home For the first time in my whole life I had to leave home the place where I grew up in .It wasn't easy we flew through the hurricanes,Storms,winds and Tornados wasn't easy but we made finally.

As we came in the borderline Past the pools the Horns blew which probably ment Trouble or sum I didn't know this place dad said it's the Omaticaya's and we will have to live amongst them. As we landed the Light blue Omaticaya's surounded us in shock until a big buff man came through the Crowd (Signing I see you towards my father) That's when two tall looking Omaticaya boys came one shorter than the other one me and loak Signed "I see you" But surprisingly they didn't respond at all.

"Ahhh Toruk Makto it's good to see you all have heard your story's All across Pandora- The chief Tonowari got interupted by the Tsahik and my Mother Challenging each other then stop after that thy discussed but I notice that the tall Omaticaya Boy staring at our tails well I at least think Loak he was staring at me for a while until A girl that caught Loaks eye Stopped them kinda appreciated it.They finally agreed to let us stay,Me and mother were ready to leave with our ikrans but Father stopped us both and mother signalled us to walk the ikrans.

So I separated from my family and instructed each of he ikrans to follow me and not eat anyone.Mother thinks I have a strong bond w the ikrans many children where fascinated but kept away. Tonowari said Aonung and Tsireya would teach us their ways. I was about to walk w the ikrans until Tsahik said I cannot walk on the nets with the ikrans so she said "Fly your creatures to the forest in the back around the island" and Tonowari added "Aonung will show u the forest on your creatures.

Tsireya already was on her way to show my family our Hut,While Aonung was getting on a smaller version of our ikrans in the water he said "Follow me from above" As I took off Tsahik was fascinated how each ikrans followed me but didn't show it,then everybody went back to their duty's.

Me and whatever his name was landed and the mini-Forest Impressed me a lot it was so pretty gloomy and the Essence on the plants made the place shine w colour It had me and the Ikrans mesmerized I had forgotten The Omaticaya was Here.

I turned back only to see his Head titled and a little smirk on his face "It's beautiful isn't it" He said And I said "Yes reminds of home and it's perfect for the Ikrans" he smiled and we made eye contact then he quickly replied saying "Uhm I think we should get going" He chuckled so did I on the way we had a little chat about how our lifestyles work different in the Ocean and forest.

He told me to sit in front and he used his left hand to hold my waste as his Creature Kept speeding every second it was scary then he said hold it breath fast I was Struggling and tried to get back up Aonung noticed and pulled my face and our lips connected Giving me Air so we could stay a bit longer then we resurfaced. I had my mind spinning think of scenarios at the Hut at night I had this weird feeling in my stomach felt like the (Gooey dogs at the forest forgot heir names) was having a party in my stomach.

What are these feelings

That's all I'm rapping this up bc I decided to start typing at 12:15 and finish at 2:03

641 words sorry if it's too long

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