In Another Life

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

In Another Life (Web of Shadows AU)

Warning this chapter may contain spoilers from the video game Web of shadows. Rated M Chapter for mature theme

King and Queen

*The day a new dark era would begin*

I always used to believe that with great power came great responsibility.

And now?

I never knew what real power was.

Good O Peter Parker was no more. Now New York would enter a new era, the era of the new symbiote king... Spider-man. No longer your friendly neighborhood web-slinger, Symbiote king Spider-man and his new symbiote queen Black Cat, the two power couple are now fully ready to take control with their army of symbiotes, and they will either control or destroy anyone in their way. All this began when Spider-man bonded with the symbiote suit during a fight with Venom. Since then, he relied heavily on the case to help fight his battles, allowing it to influence him heavily regarding essential choices he had to make. One of the significant decisions the suit affected him was between staying loyal to Mary Jane or falling for Felicia, aka the Black Cat. The suit appreciates how Black cat prefers Peter in black and wants them to rule together since Mary Jane never liked Peter wearing the costume, to begin with, and figure if anyone would allow Peter to keep wearing the suit it would be her. So when it came to the final decision between choosing Mary Jane or Felicia Hardy, after a fight with Black Cat, who was in critical condition after being infected, Peter decided to stay with Felicia by affecting her to bond with a more controlled symbiote form. With some help, they took down Venom, allowing Spider-man to lead the symbiote army to take over New York.

*A month after the destruction of the helicarrier*

"Lover, it will only be a matter of time before we finally make the rest of New York ours and lead our symbiote army to take over the world." Symbiote Queen told her as Symbiote King stood on top of the building watching some soldiers from S.H.I.E.L.D. become infected.

Though he knew it was true what she said, Symbiote King had other thoughts on his mind. Leading to the defeat of Eddie Brock, Spider-man and Black Cat became closer than ever. He couldn't understand how he dealt with being with Mary Jane when Black Cat was everything he wanted; even with her not caring for Peter Parker, she still cared for him regardless. While she wasn't paying attention, he couldn't help but stare at her new body that had been enhanced with the symbiote bonding he had done on her and thought, "Damn the things we could do with that body!" which brought him back to his original thought. Yes, Felicia now rules with him as Queen of the symbiotes but he wants more than that with her; he wants an actual life with Felicia. Now that they are both wanted criminals, life can be short for them, so he wants to make his moments with his love last a long time and be more than just a "take over the world life."

He then turns her body towards him, preparing to ask him an important question. "Felicia my love, in time this world will be ours. However, before we begin that life, there's something that I want to ask you, and it's a serious question."

Felicia finds herself self-shock and nervous about what he wants but knows that she would do anything for him. "Yes lover anything."

For the first time in a while, Spider-man felt self-nervous even with bonding with the Symbiote, which usually gives him the confidence to do what he needs to do. "Well, you see we..."

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