Cat's Cradle

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

Cat's Cradle (Home with you)

It's getting towards nighttime on a typical Friday as college student Peter Parker finishes straightening up his place with no plans for the night. In this universe, Peter never got bit by a radioactive spider, thus never becoming the hero Spider-man, so on nights like this, he wouldn't need to go on patrol. Sighing to himself, he's about to sit on the couch, more than likely to watch something on tv, until he hears someone knocking on his door. "Who is it?" He calls out, unsure who will be visiting his room.

"It's me!" the voice responds, making Peter move quickly to the door to open it.

"Felicia?" He questions once seeing who the person is, or should he say, the woman of the hour.

"Hope you weren't expecting someone else." Felicia Hardy smiles brightly, entering his dorm, wrapping her arms around Peter's neck, and kissing him.

"No, I thought you were going to Flash's party," Peter says, confused by her unexpected arrival, but gladly kisses Felicia back. Felicia is his current girlfriend, who is more outgoing in the relationship, so seeing her come by is strange unless something terrible has occurred.

"I was, but then I ask myself how I would enjoy being out if it's not with my boyfriend," Felicia explains, giving him more smooches.

Peter calms down, knowing nothing is wrong, and enjoys the love he's receiving from his girl. "Flash and I are on better terms, but I'm not fully up to attending his social events. I didn't have anything planned, so I wouldn't blame you if you rather go or do something else."

"Nope, sorry you are stuck with me for the night, besides as I'm getting older, the party life doesn't hit the same." She states, breaking out of her embrace and leading him to the couch.

"Funny enough, I was thinking that maybe I could live life a little more, especially since I'm not a low class of the social status at school no more." Peter jokes back in high school when he had it rough being a nerd and being picked on by Flash daily.

Felicia rolls her eyes at the comment about himself as the two sit down. "You were never that, regardless of what our peers thought. I think you allowed Flash to get in your head too much that it hurt your confidence."

Peter rubs the back of his head, knowing that she is right. "True. At least now my confidence level has gone up some over the years." After they graduated, Peter took time to work on himself as he realized he wouldn't be dealing with the same students more than likely in college, giving him room to change things. It was only bad luck that he so happened to end up in the same college as Flash.

"Finally, because I was starting to wonder if I would have to be the one to make the first move which I wouldn't have minded." Felicia makes her way onto his lap to snuggle up on him.

"Sorry, it was hard to believe that a nerdy guy like me would ever get the attention of the most beautiful popular girl in the class," Peter responds, wrapping his arms around her waist. Peter and Felicia became friends during high school when the teacher paired them for their project, where the two already became attracted to each other from a distance, which grew over time as they got closer. It gets to the point where Peter feels he has nothing to lose and asks her out on a date, and she agrees to it while not trying to show real excitement over the request. He took Felicia out to eat, the date went smoothly, and the two became a couple. Since then, the two have been going on strong despite a few hicks ups at the beginning of the relationship.

"See, that sweet talk is part of why I'm attracted to you. I admit I was jealous that you and redhead could have been together." Felicia playfully glares at Peter, making him rub the back of his head nervously.

"I had no idea considering she and Harry ended up hooking up though part of me thinks he didn't like the idea of Mary Jane and me getting together. So I guess it worked out in the end for us." Peter explains truthfully, wondering what would have happened if he and Mary Jane had become a couple instead. While it would have been interesting, he and Felicia knew each other longer, and he wouldn't want to date anyone else but her.

Felicia nods proudly. "Agree 100 percent. It's funny how we got caught up talking about our history."

The two laugh a bit before Peter speaks up again. "I know right, but I don't mind talking about it. Are you sure you don't want me to take you out? It's the least I can do since you blew off your original plans for me."

Peter's thoughtful suggestion makes Felicia's heart flutter even more as she rubs the side of his face saying, "You're sweet, and I will save that for a different night. As of now, I much rather we order pizza and cuddle up watching movies together."

"Sounds like a relaxing date to me." Peter quips, leading the two to kiss each other with passion. The couple does end up ordering pizza and chooses a movie to watch together for the rest of the night.


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