Chapter 5: Unexpected fame

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I woke up the next day to my phone blowing up with notifications..
As i eventually was able to wake up u grabbed my phone to look at what was going on and let's just say it's not what i was expecting..

Apparently the paparazzi interview that i did i few days ago when i first drove her had blown up..
I was getting spam tagged in posts, dm's on instagram and also my friends completely bombarding me..
"Is this what it feels like to be famous? Cause if it is i don't like it.." i said putting my phone on do not disturb and putting it down on my nightstand again.

I wanted to fall asleep again but couldn't since i was already wide awake..

"Alright guess i won't be sleeping in today.." i said annoyed grabbing my phone and getting out off bed.
It was pretty cold out so i quickly pulled on a random hoodie and went downstairs to get something for breakfast.
I didn't really have something special so i just poured myself some cereal.

I decided to sit down on my couch and read some messages and posts i was tagged in.

It was pretty funny since they were either jealous off my car, or they thought i was secretly dating her.

I did enjoy reading some off the comments, posts and dm's it was funny.
Just as i was about to put on a nice song and clean up i got a text from Jenna.
Ofcourse i dropped everything i was doing to open it.


So how does it feel to be famous?


Now you know why i'm not logged into my personal accounts.

Yea i'm about to do that aswel

Some off these posts and dm's are pretty funny though

Mine aren't mine are either really creepy or people that actually appreciate me

You don't even want to know how many threats i have gotten today💀

Should i be concerned?

Nah it's just teenagers thinking i stole you from them😅

How about you come over?

I got asked to react to posts.

Sounds good! I'll be over in a few:)

I was smiling uncontrollably right now and there was no stopping it.
I quickly stood up and rushed upstairs trying to find a nice outfit.
I wanted to wear something that didn't give off the vibe that i put thought into it but also one that wasn't lazy.
I ended up wearing the same one from a few days ago.
Don't worry i washed it.
I then hopped in my car and drove over to her house.

As i arrive at her house i decided to park a away from her house since they knew what my car looked like and didn't want to leak her address.

I then walked over to the front door and texted her telling her i was here.
After a minute the door opened.
"Hey! I'm glad you could make it." she said with a smile.
"Ofcourse it's not like i have something better to do." i said chuckling.

She then moved out off the way allowing me to enter.

"Are you ready to make your debut?" she asked setting up the camera.
"Yea i guess so." i said feeling pretty nervous.
"Don't worry it's not live so if you mess up it doesn't really matter." she said.
I just nodded and sat down on the couch.
After a few more minutes of preparing we were ready.

It was going pretty well and we were laughing reaction to these posts and some off my dm's.
I also completely forgot we were recording which made it that much easier.
After 10 more minutes of recording we wrapped up the video since we got pretty much all the good ones.

"See this wasn't that bad was it." Jenna said with a smile.

"Yea i have to admit this was pretty fun." i said returning the smile.
"Ugh i'm so hungry right now." she said looking through the kitchen for something to eat.
"I could make a quick run to the store to grab some stuff." i suggested.
"Yea but then i have to cook." she said.

"I can do it." i said standing up.

"You know how to cook?" she asks looking at me.
"No but it can't be that hard." i said with a slight smile.

She just rolled her eyes.
"What do you want to eat?" i ask pulling out my phone and opening notes.
"I haven't had spaghetti in a while." she said.
"Alright sounds good i'll be back soon." i said with a smile walking out the door.

I was once again smiling uncontrollably the entire way.
Not even five minutes after i entered the store a bunch of people swarming me..
'Damn i hate being famous..'

"Hey Y/n, do you think we could get a photo?" A couple boys asked.
"Sure." i said trying my best to remain friendly.
Luckily they left after that and i was able to finish my shopping.
I made it back to Jenna's house shortly after and found what looked to be a simple tutorial..

"Wait i thought the water went in there?!" i said confused looking at the tutorial causing Jenna to start laughing at me.
To say i had no clue what i was doing would be an understatement.
"Wait but how do i turn on the stove? How SHOW ME!" i yelled at my phone.
"Remember when you said it wouldn't be that hard?" she asked in between laughing at me.
"Little did i know there were these many steps." i said looking up from my phone.
"This is why i normally order food or go out." she said.
Eventually i was able to figure out how the stove worked and got the pasta ready.
"Wait i already had to cut the vegetables.." i said looking at the uncut vegetables sitting on the counter.

I quickly pulled out a knife and started randomly cutting them in different shapes and sizes.
I then threw everything together and stirred it together.
"Alright this isn't really how it was supposed to turn out but i didn't know it would be this hard."i said placing down the pot on the table.
"I hope you're cleaning up the kitchen afterwards." she said chuckling and pointing to the kitchen.
"No, that wasn't in the package. Should have read the fine print." i said grabbing some food.
She just glared at me.
"Alright fine i'll clean up after myself." i said.

"Good." she said with a smile.
After that we enjoyed the food.

I cleaned up whilst Jenna worked on getting the video we recorded earlier to the right place.

After we were both done with the tasks we assigned ourselves we sat down on the couch talking about her new series or me trying to get more info on upcoming projects.
Unfortunately she didn't give away any answers..
We then decided to finish the movies we didn't watch the last time.
I don't know how but it somehow became a thing to watch movies that the other person thought everybody had seen but the other person hasn't.

Ofcourse this went on till 12 am..

"Oh shoot i should get going." i said looking at my phone.

"Oh sorry for keeping you here this long." she said rubbing her eyes and sitting up.
"No worries! I enjoyed this." i said with a smile.
"I enjoyed myself aswel." she said returning the smile.
"Alright if you need me for anything you know how to reach me." i said with a smile before walking out to my car.
The drive back home mostly consisted of me trying not to fall asleep.
When i finally did get home i quickly changed and plopped down onto my bed.
It didn't take long at all before i fell asleep and almost fell asleep instantly.

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now