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The Aardwolf is a cute animal but also exotic in its own way

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The Aardwolf is a cute animal but also exotic in its own way.


Their diet is focused on mainly two species of termites one of the termites goes dormant during cooler winter weather so the  Aardwolf switches to the other termite for nourishment. This gives the Aardwolf a very restricted range so they only live where these two termites live. Aardwolves are also carnivores, but extremely harmless! (To humans)


You may have guessed it coming. Since the diet part started to talk habitat it only makes sense we talk about the habitat. The Aardwolf lives in Eastern and Southern Africa, but it does not live along the coast of Southern Africa. They have a wide habitat tolerance but they prefer semi-arid, open plains, savannas, and grasslands. They live in burrows underground.


Even though Aardwolves are the definition of cuteness they still have predators believe it or not.
Leopards, lions, and spotted hyenas will kill cubs and adult Aardwolves. Unfortunately black-backed jackals will mainly target Aardwolf cubs. The reason this is bad is because it kills off some of the new generation and makes it harder to breed. Which makes a decrease in the population.


Speaking of the population.

It looks like this! Let's talk about it

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It looks like this! Let's talk about it.
Brown hyenas make up 4.
Tasmanian devil: 8
Island fox: 15
Polar bear: 17
Orca: 23
Steller Sea Lion: 24
Gorilla: 24
Aardwolf: 31
Human: 47
Dog: 52
Grey fox: 55
Horse: 75
Bonobo: 100
Brown bear: 144
Chimpanzee: 190

Now that's pretty big!

Honestly me myself I don't understand this but I hope you do!

Honestly me myself I don't understand this but I hope you do!

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But this we do understand for sure. But this was 2 years ago so it probably changed by now!

Watch a Aardwolf documentary here!

Credits to: Earth Titan on YouTube for the video! It really helped with the Aardwolf chapter!

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