Chapter 7

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Aarohi and Neil had spent at least four hours with the crew. They hadn't expected to stay so late, especially Neil. But that's what happens when you're with your best friends. Now to Aarohi Neil was a permanent member of the Rebels, her crew.

They had created a plan and assigned tasks amongst the members. Since Minnie was a singer, she said she'd keep an eye out for Aksharas voice in the singing community, Aarohi had her listen to Aksharas singing so Minnie can recognize her voice. Minnie was always good at recognizing voices after listening to them only once. Kanha said he would find some information on this Docter Kunal, and Arohi and Neil decided she would find some old senior contacts who might know him. AJ said he'd keep a look out on incoming and outgoing flights for Akshara and Kairavs name.  Ace said he'd keep an eye on any registered Sims in her name and trace them immediately once  online. Together, they had a plan, yet they didn't know how long it'd take before they could find anything. But the crew wasn't one to give up so easily.

Neil drove Aarohi home Ina. Comfortable silence.

"So... how did you like my friends."

"They were amazing. I have no idea how a chipkali like you became friends and even captain of such talented people."

She rolled her eyes, knowing he was messing with her. "I'm pretty talented too okay that's why I'm a leader and your co-leader, VC."

He laughed at the new nickname the Rebels, Aarohis crew—correction our crew had given him. "VC, I gotta say I can hey used to that."

"You better Chamgadar, cause with great power comes great responsibility." She said in a deep dumbeldore accent, Neil shook his head at her antics. Aarohi was more innocently childish than she seemed. The more he hung out with her, the more of this side he saw. To be honest, he wished he'd see her like this more.

"Yes, oh, wise one." He said with a mock bow towards her direction. She burst out in a giggle at that. The giggle was like Christmas bells in Neil's ears. It tickled his stomach and made his insides turn. It was a sound he certainly could get addicted to.

They arrived at her house, and Neil got out quickly opening the door for her all gentleman like. "My lady," he said, extending his hand to help her out. She smiled, accepting the offer. "You've only hung out with Aman (Ace) for a few hours, and you already learned manners? I should have introduced you earlier." She teased him as they walked to the gate. "What can I say, I'm pretty talented too, Captain." He said this as he turned towards her and tipped down his invisible hat. She showed a small smile at this. She could get addicted to this. No man outside of her crew had been so respectful to her and so kind. The fact that he was even before he joined the crew was probably why everyone had felt like he belonged with them in the first place. It really was rare to find a soul as pure as his. She wished that purity remained forever in him.

"Chipkali kya hua? Pyar." He waved his hands in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I rolled my eyes at his cheesy line. " You wish chamgadar. Good night." He smirked as he backed up, waving at her with a shout,

"Goodnight, chipkali." 

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