Princess! 高校のホストの仕事! PT 2

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"Every time you hurt others, you're the one who end up being hurt."

-Takashi Morinozuka


"Haru-chan! Didn't you know that Suzushima-kun is Kasugazaki-san's fiance, ne?" Honey jumped up as soon as Kasugazaki left.


Tamaki asked Kyoya how long he had known this information, as if he didn't.

"I do, of course, conduct general research on our customers. The two are childhood best friends. Their engagement has been arranged by their parents. It seemed like useless information at the time, so I left it alone."

The Suohs' eye twitched, "Why you-"

Kyoya continued, "Toru Suzushima, outstanding grades, fair social status, simple looks with reliability as a strong point. If I had to fault him for anything..."

"Not much presence," Hikaru said.

"Faint-hearted," Kaoru added.

"In other words, he's plain." (Y/N) mentioned.

'What the hell? They're merciless. Rich people are crazy.' Haruhi thought.

"But, Toru-Kun is a good boy, ne?" Honey asked, clinging to Mori's back.

"Yeah." He answered him.

"Alright then, let us examine our strategy!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"What strategy, boss?" The triplets asked.

"Men, it is our responsibility as host club members to make every girl happy!" He shouted.



"Hello to all my little lambs that have gathered here tonight. Ouran Host Club bids you a fond welcome to our dance party." Tamaki stated to the hundreds of girls around. The girls cheered and screamed for their favorite hosts as all of them bowed to the crowd.

Kyoya continued, "We invite you to enjoy yourselves to your heart's content as you dance the night away with the Host Club members. In addition, a guest will be recognized as the best dancer and chosen to receive an impassioned kiss on the cheek from our king."

"Good luck to you, baby." Tamaki winked into the crowd. Another set of girlish screams was heard.

"Haruhi, you're not looking too excited." The triplets bothered Haruhi.

"Well, I'm not used to this sort of thing. The only dance party I've ever been to is the bon-odori at the park in my neighborhood." So she explained to the lady and gents.

"You can't even call that a proper dance party. But, since you're here, why don't you try the cuisine? There's quite the spread." Kyoya recommended.

"Spread? L-Like fancy tuna?" Haruhi asked.

The Host Club turns to her slowly. "Fancy. Tuna. Spread?" They say.

Tamaki cradles Haruhi and yells, "GET SOME FANCY TUNA SPREAD HERE, FAST!!"

(Y/N) faints as her brothers fan her on the floor while Kyoya is already on the phone with a fancy tuna company. The fanciest tuna in the world, probably. Mori and Honey are already on the case of going to pick up said tuna order.

'These damn rich people.' she thought to herself.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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