commoner ...? 今日から、あなたはホストです!PT 2

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"What good are dreams, if all you do is work? There's more to life than hitting the books, I hope you know." - Tamaki Suoh


"Tamaki, what's your favorite song?"
"What song? The one that reminds me of you, of course." The young lady blushes and hides her face. "I baked you a cake today. Would you like taste it?" Tamaki holds her chin and makes her look up to him. "Only if you'll feed it to me, darling..."


(King of the host club)

"Oh wow! You're so dreamy!" The girl said with her cherry red cheeks. She started to spazz with the thought of Tamaki in her mind when suddenly Haruhi walked in with the things the club asked for.

"Speak of the devil!" He shouted across the room. "Thanks for doing the shopping little piglet! Did you get everything on our list??" 'p-piglet?' Haruhi thought. 'these damn rich people'


(Host club dog)

Haru was to busy thinking about how much she hates the host to notice Tamaki reach in the bag and take out the coffee she bought from the market. People slowly started to gather around the 'host club king' as he and the rest of the hosts questioned the coffee.

"I've heard of this before! It's commoners coffee! You just add hot water!" He yelled excitedly. "So it's true, poor people don't even have enough time to grind their own coffee beans!" one of the girls exclaimed, the others nodding in agreement.

"Commoners are pretty smart." Kyoya said slyly. "100 grams for 300 yen?" called Hikaru "That's a lot less then we normally pay." Kaoru followed. "Maybe there's less ground up beans in there than what we get!" (Y/N).....also followed.

" I'll go back and get some thing else. Sorry I didn't get any rich people coffee." "Wait no, i'll keep it. I'LL DRINK THIS COFFEE!" Tamaki states bravely. And everyone clapped. Literally.

*Time skip :)*


"So, he had this nightmare and he rolled up out of bed all scared and stuff!" "N-no! Hikaru, don't tell them that story!" Karou yelled embarrassed. "S-Stop!"  Hikaru giggles as Kaoru told them not to tell that story. "Why are you so mean to me?" He cries. Both look up at him and apologized. All three guest gasp at the siblings love for each other. Hikaru grasps Karous chin "I didn't mean to upset you, but you were so adorable in that moment! I had to tell them-"


"I forgive you."

Kaoru said gently, holding his brother. The three girls sitting at their table went crazy for this. "I'VE NEVER SEEN SIBLINGS LOVE LIKE THIS BEFORE!"

'I don't get what they're so excited about' Haru things as she walks by. As she turns to go to another table, a girl bumped into Haruhi. "I'm so sorry miss, I-" "No,no! I'm sorry darling! I hope I didn't hurt you!" The gingered haired girl said as she bowed politely. (you look like the twins sorry :) )


"N-no, you didn't hurt me. I'm okay." Haru said embarrassed as she went to pick up the things that dropped. "Good! Oh, hey Fujioka....." (Y/N) looked flirtatiously.  " Don't worry about the price of everything that dropped, i'll pay for it" She said as she bent down to help Haruhi. "Really? Thank you (Y/N)." "No problem! I bumped into you anyway. Think of it as a welcoming gift" As they both collected pieces of the broken china (Y/N)'s hand found itself on Haruhi's. They gazed into each other's eyes for a split second, but Haru being the oblivious person she is stood up and walked away.

(Y/N) stood there for a second and literally cracked in half. A lightbulb went off.

Haruhi found herself in front of the table of Honey and Mori, watching as a CHILD entertained guest. She would have never thought elementary school kids would be allowed in here, but as she thought it over, Kyoya was already there to say "Honey may seem young and childish, but he's actually a prodigy, and Mori's lure is his strong and silent disposition." "HARU-CHAN!" Honey, the short blonde, yelled as he attached himself to Haruhi. "Do you wanna have some cake with me!?" He continued with the same energy.


Haruhi was expecting him to get upset and leave, but he then said, "Then how about you hold my bunny, Usa-chan!" He pulls a pink stuffed bunny from behind his back. "You do like him, right?" At this point, Haru felt bad.

She said yes.

Honey's eyes open wide. A lightbulb goes off. (3/7)

"Take care of him for me! Ok?" He says before going to hop into a guest's lap. After that moment, Kyoya explains "You will notice that our club utilizes each unique characteristic to cater to our guest. Also, just so you know, Tamaki is number one around here. He is the king. His request rate is around 70 percent.

'What is this world coming to'

"In order to pay your debt off, you will act as the host club's dog until you graduate," Kyoya continued with a cold, fake smile. "Oh, I apologize, I meant errand boy. You may try to run away, but just so you know, my family owns a private police force of more than 100 officers." He pushed up his glasses, "By the way, do you have a passport?"

Tamaki jumped onto a confused Haruhi and yelled "You're gonna have to work hard to pay off that debt!" And blew air into her ear. Haruhi screeched and bolted away from Tamaki's breath. "Don't EVER do that again!" She said. "You need a makeover or no one gonna ever look at you twice." He ignored her. "Well, why would I want girls to look at me? I'm not trying." She replied. "What?!? Are you joking? That's the most important thing!" Tamaki began to rant about all the important things that Haru was missing, and Haruhi began to think.

'what's the word to describe him....'

'Annoying? No'

'Talkative? That's not it.'

"I've got it!"

"Did I strike a cord?"


Tamaki sulked in the corner.

"I'm sorry Tamaki-Senpai," She said while the triplets laughed with their elbows on her head. "You're a hero alright!" Hikaru laughed. "At least to us!" The three burst out.


Hola! It's 1:40 on a school night! I am okay I swear just can't sleep tonight and felt like writing. I didn't forget about this book, I just had a lot going on in my life. I'm not gonna explain because it'll be long and boring and  sad so. E. I will update more, but forgive me if they are slow, because I am still in school. thank you, guys!

ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ˢⁱˢ         (OHSHC x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant