The Attack

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The four ninja glanced furtively around the dark monastery before popping open a window and slipping inside. Each was wearing a black gi, the only difference between them being their builds and the one woman wearing a hood instead of a cowl.

They silently leapt through the rafters until they were perched above a boy with wild brown hair, who was jumping around yelling nonsense while waving his toothbrush like a sword. The four glanced and each other and nodded, readying their weapons. The smallest male dropped down in front of the door, nunchucks in hand. The lankiest dropped into the corner, pulling shurikens from his sleeves. The tallest landed in front of the boy, scythe at the ready. The female, who was the most graceful yet had the youngest build, leapt down behind the boy and held a kunai knife to his throat.

The boy laughed nervously. "Eheh.... Oops," he said. "Onyx, what are you doing?" The smallest boy hissed. "Scaring him," Onyx answered. Her voice was matter-of-fact and a slight touch deeper than the average female. "Definitely the youngest," Kai thought, guessing thirteen at the oldest. He waited for her to take the weapon off of his throat before bursting into action. When it was, he yanked away, shoved his toothbrush into the tallest's mouth, and leapt out the window.

Onyx and the others took off after him, dashing through the courtyard. He slammed his hand into the training course button as he passed. Onyx skidded to a halt before she could get caught up in it, instead leaping onto the wall and skirting around the equipment. The boy laughed as the others ran straight into the course. Then he frowned. "Where's the fourth?" Onyx heard him mutter. Onyx drew her katanas and leapt off the wall. "Right behind you," she answered as she landed. He jumped and spun around. Onyx glanced behind him at the others. Jay had Zane and Cole piled on top of him. The boy glanced between her and them, and finally deciding to fight the others.

"Onyx, a little help?" Cole shouted as the boy joined the fray and started hitting whomever he could reach. Onyx prepared herself to attack before noticing a familiar figure emerge from the monastery door behind them. Onyx sheathed her katanas. "You won't need it," she said. "Stop!" Wu shouted. Cole and Zane immediately stopped, climbing off of the boy and pulling Jay out from underneath him. "Yes, Sensei," they said in unison. The boy stood up and gave Wu a confused look. "Wait, they're your students too?" He asked, pointing at Jay, Cole, and Zane. Onyx and Jay spoke at the same time. "Yes, WE are," Onyx said. "Woah woah woah, hang on! You didn't say anything about a fifth! It's always four. You know, Four Swords, four seasons, four horsemen, four-" Cole cut Jay off. "Uh, what he means Sensei, is that we've trained together. We're solid," he said. The boy snorted. "Didn't seem so solid to me," he muttered. Onyx gritted her teeth and shifted her weight in annoyance.

"Master, what is the meaning of this?" Zane asked. "You have each been chosen for a reason," Wu answered. "You say that, but we still don't know what that reason is," Onyx said. "All in due time, Onyx. Each of you are in tune with an elemental property. But first... Ninja go!" Wu spun into his golden Spinjitzu and whirled at the ninja. They were each whipped around in a circle, and when they stopped spinning, they were each wearing a different color, though only the lining and highlights of Onyx's uniform had been changed.

"Woah, look what color I am!" The boy exclaimed, looking at his red gi. "Wow, look what color I am!" Jay cried, giving and excited hop as he looked at his blue gi. "Wait, it didn't work! I'm still black," Cole said. Onyx sighed. "Technically I am too," she said, the Hunter green linings of her suit rustling softly as a slight breeze blew over the group. Wu pointed at each of the ninja as he explained the change in colors.

"Kai, master of fire. It burns brightly within you. Jay is blue, master of lightning." Jay interrupted, taking off his hood to reveal brown hair and a slightly delicate face. His dark blue eyes glimmered as he grinned, a gap between his front teeth. "That's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing, a touch of model building, I've dabbled in poetry and tried out cooking," he rambled, waving his arms. Onyx sighed. "We know Jay. And you forgot your mouth of lightning," she said. She wasn't joking, but the others didn't seem to know that.  Wu ignored the interruption and turned to the black ninja. "Cole is black. Solid as rock, and the master of earth."

Cole pulled off his hood to reveal longish black-brown hair framing his face and accenting his kind back eyes. "Nice to meet you, kid. And for the record, there's nothing in this world I'm afraid of," he said, nodding at Kai. "Except for dragons," Zane volunteered. Cole sighed. "I said from this world, Zane. Dragons aren't IN this world," he argued. "White is Zane. Master of ice and seer with a sixth sense," Wu said. As he spoke, Zane spun his shurikens and made them disappear. Onyx's keen eye noticed that he had slipped them into his sleeves, but it was interesting to watch either way. Zane had white-blond hair, icy blue eyes, and a no-nonsense expression. Kai leaned over to Cole. "I sense this one takes things too seriously," he murmured. Cole nodded. "Him and Onyx both," he said.

Zane looked curiously at Kai. "You too have the gift?" He asked. Jay elbowed him. "It was a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor?" Zane nodded. "Ah, yes. It was a joke. Haha," he said, laughing mechanically. Onyx smirked slightly. Jay shook his head and sighed. Wu turned to Onyx. "And Onyx, the hunter green master of darkness. Sarcastic, clever, and quick," he said. Onyx pulled off her hood. She had sharp grey eyes, pale skin, and black hair that seemed slightly green at the ends. The first thing Kai noticed was the bandage patch she had on the right side of her jaw. She nodded to him in greeting. "Hello. And don't think because I'm the youngest I can't do anything," Onyx said.

"Pay attention!" Wu snapped at all of them. "You five are the ones chosen to protect the Five Weapons of Spinjitzu from Lord Garmadon," he said. The name sent a shiver down Onyx's spine. For as long as she had been with him, Wu had told her stories of Garmadon's evil. Kai frowned. "But what about my sister?" He asked. Jay looked interested. "Ooh, we're saving a girl? Is she hot?" He asked. Onyx wrinkled her nose at him. Cole groaned. "Jay..." he said. Jay raised his hands defensively. "What? I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into!" He turned back to Kai. "Does she like blue?" He asked. Kai glowered at him. "Back off," he growled.

"When we find the weapons, we will find your sister. Come! To the first weapon we must go!" Wu cried. Onyx raised a hand. "Sensei, you haven't taught us everything you promised yet," she said. Cole nodded. "Yeah, you said you were going to teach us Spinjitzu," he said. The others all nodded in agreement. Wu waved his staff at them. "Spinjitzu is already inside each and every one of you. But it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found," he said. Onyx narrowed her eyes at her hands. 'A key...? What does he mean by that?' She wondered.

Wu paused. Either for effect or to remember what he was going to say. "Come! My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage," he finished. Onyx sighed. She hated pulling the carriage. The others were so much taller than her that she could barely reach the ground. "Great," Cole muttered. "Now we have to find a key?" Jay exclaimed. "I think he's taking us for a wild ride," Onyx said. "Well if it leads to my sister, then sign me up," Kai said determinedly.

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