The Fall of Sensei Wu

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The dragon roared so loudly that the ground shook. Wu lunged at it, slamming it over the head with the sword. The only purpose it served was to make the beast roar and slam its tail into the ceiling, causing rocks to crumble and fall, blocking the doorway.

"Now he's even angrier!" Onyx yelled, dodging the dragon's swinging tail. "And he's blocked our only way out of here!" Kai shouted over the dragon's roars, Garmadon's laughter, and Nya's shrieks.

"Who builds a fire temple with only one way out!?" Onyx screamed. "Apparently whoever made this one," Kai said. If she hadn't been occupied, Onyx would've kicked him.

"There is still one way." Wu said suddenly. He jumped onto a rock floating in the lava, raised the sword above his head and, without hesitating for even a moment, swung it down, causing the platform to splinter and start drifting slowly towards where the lava was dropping into an endless pit.

"Master, what are you doing?" Kai cried, alarmed. Onyx froze, realizing what he was doing. "Sensei!" She cried in alarm. "No, you fool!" Garmadon shouted.
Wu looked up at the three standing on a rock. "If he is to bring the other weapons here, then I shall take the sword into the Underworld." He explained, eyes glittering with an unreadable emotion.

Wu pulled a cup of tea from his pocket and sipped it slowly. Then his little rock raft reached the edge, and he plummeted into the neverending darkness that would transport him to the Underworld.

"No!" Kai cried. Garmadon shrieked with fury "Then I'll see you there, brother!" He cried and swooped after him.

Onyx was ridged with shock. Kai covered his face. "It's all my fault. Sensei won't be able to hold up for long." He said softly. Onyx forced herself to move. "That's not true; Sensei can be as strong as an ox and as stubborn as a donkey when he wants to." Onyx snapped. "And we've got a much bigger problem behind us."

Kai spun around and backed away, shoving Nya and Onyx behind him. Onyx frowned in annoyance. "I'm a ninja too. And I have an idea," She hissed in Kai's ear.

He nodded. "I'm open to suggestions." He muttered back. Onyx launched right into it. "We're both trying to protect the weapons. So if you can somehow tell the dragon, maybe we won't get fried," She said.

Kai blinked at the solution. It sounded simple. Kai turned to the beast. "We are not trying to steal the weapon." He said, so slowly it was agonizing.

The dragon tilted its head. "He wants to know why you're talking to him like he's a kid." Nya said, pushing past her brother. "Hi. We're just trying to get the weapons to make sure that Garmadon doesn't misuse them." She said.

The dragon paused before giving her a slight nod. Then he nuzzled up to Kai so hard that the fire ninja was nearly shoved into the lava. "Well. I guess that's one problem solved." Kai said. "Woah. I was right," Onyx whispered. Kai raised an eyebrow at her.

Voices suddenly sounded from outside the temple. "Kai! Onyx! Sensei!" Cole shouted, worry in his tone. "The sword of fire was here, as well as our friends, but I only sense loss. The Elemental Weapons have left this realm and entered the Underworld. We are too late," Zane said. "Ugh, great! The one place no mortal can cross over!" Cole growled.

Onyx elbowed Kai. "Okay, tinderbox. Time to share the fun fact," She said. Kai gave her an odd look. "What fact?" He asked. Onyx rolled her eyes. "The one that dragons can cross over to the Underworld with riders," she said, reciting something that Sensei had told them once.

"Oh. Uh... right." Kai raised his voice to a dramatic volume that annoyed Onyx. "What is it with boys and their dramatic movie hero theatrics?" She murmured to Nya, who snorted and shook her head.

"We may not be able to cross... but dragons can." Kai said, shifting some rocks aside to reveal the two girls, himself, and the dragon.

Cole gave a very un-ninja like shriek of terror and dove behind a pillar. "Our father used to tell us stories about the dragons. That they were mystical beings that belong to both worlds and buried between them," Nya said, stepping up beside Kai.

Cole gave a high pitched laugh. "Are you insane?" He asked nervously, eyeing the dragon.

"Once he realized that we were trying to protect the sword, he became quite a softie," Kai said, fending off another cuddle from the dragon. "Quit it!" He laughed.

Nya giggled. Jay looked at her and rasped something unintelligible. Nya gave him a confused look. "He cannot talk currently, but he would like to know if you like blue," Zane translated. "Oh! It's my favorite color," Nya answered, looking slightly confused. Jay pumped his fists with a raspy "Yes!" Onyx sighed. Jay never changed.

"Nya..." Kai began. Nya cut him off. "This is goodby, isn't it?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Kai nodded. Nya dipped her head. "Come back to me in one piece, okay? I don't want to have to run the store on my own," She said.

Kai grinned. "I'll be back before you know it." He promised. "I'll keep a candle lit in the window until you return." Nya told him.

Jay and Zane climbed onto the dragon and lifted Onyx up behind them. Cole stepped back. "Th-that's okay. There's not enough room for all of us." He said quickly.

Kai gave a sly grin that told Cole he wasn't getting out of it that easily. "You're right, Cole. But I've got a way to fix that," he said. Onyx's face lit up. Now she would get a chance to tame a dragon.

Hmm... does this chapter seem a little weaker than my others? I know it's a bit shorter than usual. The next one is also a bit shorter, but it's more of a buildup than a full-on chapter. Either way, thanks for reading!

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