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TW: Trauma mention

173 and 096 were running, well, it was 096 who was running while he was holding 173 because he couldn't move due to the guards they were running away from. They were a lot, so 173 and 096 couldn't do anything to them and they could do something really bad to them, like locking them up again, hurting them or both, so they only could run away in that moment.

They reached a closed hallway where there wasn't any kind of exit, except for a downward sloping vent, seeming to reach a room due to a light coming from it. It was too small for 096, but seemed perfect for 173 (he smol)

-"Billy... You have to go there..." 096 slowly pushed 173 towards the vent

-"W-What...?! I'm not leaving without you! I prefer staying here than leaving you alo-"

-"BILLY, YOU HAVE TO LEAVE, THEY WILL HURT YOU!" 096 was starting to get nervous, the guards were getting closer

-"And what about you?! They can also hurt you, I don't want them to spare us again!"

-"Billy, don't worry. I can with them. Then... Then we will see eachother again in a safe place... I promise. But now, you need to lea-"

-"THEY ARE HERE!!" A guard found them, and then the others started coming

Then, 096 pushed 173 inside the vent, stood in front of it avoiding them to reach it and go for his friend and took off his mask.

-"LANKY!!" 173 screamed scared, but his friend barely heard him, he had already entered in that state


173 fell on the floor from a pair of meters of height, where the vent's end was, hurting him a little bit. He stayed looking at the celling and started hearing his friend's screaming, which didn't worry him knowing about that state of his, he just was thinking.

-"Lanky... Why did you do it... Dumb..."

Then he got up, slowly to keep from getting hurt or dizzy, and started looking around the room.
It seemed to be some kind of basement, with some shelves and boxes, and it was dark. With the pain he was still feeling and the look of the place, he started to have bad memories and getting nervous. He didn't like being in places like that which could remind him of his "life" before the Foundation, and even less if he was alone. It got even worse when he started hearing a very weird voice.

-"What are you...?"

-"Huh?!-" Startled, he turned around for seeing where the voice was coming from. Behind him there were three weird abstract statues, with kind of human appearance, staring at him "W-W-Who are you...?!"

-"What kind of statue are you?"

-"Who created you? You look very realistic, you are very well made"

-"What are you doing here?"

173 was very confused and scared. He didn't know how to answer to those "things".

-"Humm... M-My name is B-Billy... I was with my best friend a few moments ago, b-but the guards came and they started chasing us, a-and now I don't know where is him-"

-""Friend"? What is a "friend"?"

-"Why do you have one? Statues can't have "friends". They don't even have feelings"

A lot more of those weird statues started to come from the room's darkness. They all were approaching 173 and they stayed still, looking at him.

-"...W-What are you talking about...? I'm... I'm not a statue..."

173 (Eng) | SCP: The Other Foundation Side (Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now