Chapter 1 | Tiffany

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"Where did that devil's spawn run of to now?!"

Tiffany was hiding in the bushes together with granny Camille, stifling their laughter behind their hands. As the man they had ambushed and sent astray finally figured out the upper hand had been with their females companions all along. 

"They were standing right there! I kept my eyes on them the entire time. They just used magic to disappear."

The man clearly believed he was speaking the truth, and he was. Though Camille hadn't the magic to perform that particular trick on a regular base, together with Tiffany it was a lot easier. Having a witch on hand certainly boosted her abilities.

"You idiot! You wouldn't recognize a witch even if she was standing right in front of you. You lost us the only means of getting out of this cursed forest, for once use your brain to think instead of the rest of your body."

Tiffany and Camille carefully crawled backwards without alerting the shouting men of their position. Once they were out of earshot, they dissolved in giggles. Tiffany was too young to completely understand the dangers of the world and  Camille had enough trust in her own capabilities to keep her young companion safe from harm. 

"You're getting better at it Toni, we'll make a true menace of nature out of you."

The light slowly faded away and darkness descended on the forest as Camille and Tiffany walked back to the clearing. Ten years ago her fathers had been reunited with her mother there and they still lived there among the woodland nymphs. 

Tiffany watched Camille as the moon ascended the sky, making her white hair light up in the dark. She had only seen the color by the other elderly women in the village she sometimes visited together with her mother. The nymphs didn't age as far as she could tell, their hair certainly didn't lose its color nor did their skin change showing their high age.

"And why did the two of you think you could run off without telling anyone? I expected better of you Camille. She's only ten, you know what kind of people wander astray in the forest."

Raine was waiting for them at the entrance to the clearing with behind her Tiffany's parents. They looked at her with such disappointment that she hid behind Camille in an attempt to escape their gaze. 

Disappointment was so much worse than anger.

"She was with me the whole time, nothing bad was going to happen. Have a little trust in me, no harm would have fallen on her, no matter who we would have encountered."

Raine's face paled and she pulled Camille closer, while Tiffany was dragged to their small home by her Da. 

That was the end of her adventures in the forest with Camille.


For years Tiffany had asked, questioned, and at last begged to leave the forest. Her pleas were left ignored in the vague hope she would grow out of it. The outside was too dangerous and had already cost many lives.

Though Camille would have maybe allowed her to go farther if they were together, the dame blanche wasn't who she used to be. Time was catching up with her and every year Tiffany grew older, she left the clearing less to wander the woods.

Tiffany was visiting a village together with her dad to buy more food for the winter, as the harvest from the forest had been insufficient. As her dad was haggling with the merchant, Tiffany wandered the marketplace eavesdropping on the conversations of the villagers.

"Mother Mary, please save me. Did you hear of the daughter of the baker running off to Rouen. They say she diddled with a lord, and was so enamoured she ran away."

The farmers asked more questions about the latest scandle and the villagers were more than willing to comply. Others grief and misery was always cause to speculate.

Rouen. A city at the other side of the forest, many daytrips from the clearing as Tiffany deduced from the conversation. It was a big town ruled by  dukes who were descended from the Normans.

The name Rouen had an allure to it, that Tiffany wasn't surprised someone would leave everything behind to follow their heart's call to be there.

When they returned to the clearing with the provisions, Tiffany asked to see Rouen. Maybe the answer would be different from her previous pleas, as Rouen was far away from the places she was denied entry from.

She was denied on grounds of the winter approaching and it being dangerous to travel during that time of the year.

When spring came she asked again, and again an excuse was given why it couldn't happen. The forest needed tending and many nymphs were indisposed while they cared for the planted children.

Summer and autumn had the same reasons, and winter was once again upon them.

When the last snow had melted away and before the flowers would grow and need tending, did Tiffany breach the subject again. This time the world was in disarray as king Robert the Pious had died and his son was now the sole ruler.

It would not be safe to travel around as people would be trying to see how far they could go, before this king would sent repercussions.

For every reason she gave to leave, a reason was given why it could not happen. And no matter how many times they said that in the future Tiffany could leave for Rouen, in the end that future would never come.



February 13, 2023

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