Chapter 8 | Nadine

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A child was running down the street together with a boy, when Nadine and Eira entered Greystone. They had tried to disguise themselves, but now Nadine worried they should have taken a bit more precautions.

In a village this small, every new arrival would be put under a level of scrutiny that would have made her uncomfortable regardless of her guilty conscience. Eira didn't fare any better and was currently unsuccessfully, hiding behind Nadine's much smaller frame.

Everyone looked at them, with the child standing right in front of them. Watching them with their big fathomless grey eyes.

Nadine didn't like this one bit.

Luckily they were spared from a mortifying revelation with the arrival of a tall woman with selkie blood.

"Kleia! Come here. An introduction perhaps ladies?"

This was Nadine's expertise, introducing herself to doubtful humans. She had done this countless times before, yet now she was unable to speak. All her attention fixated on the child next to the woman.

"Eira Thyradottir and Nadine..."

Eira's voice faded away as there was no other name to distinguish Nadine.

"Well, Eira and Nadine. Could you tell me how you both found yourselves, this far away from any city?"

They couldn't, or at least not to this many humans. Though now that they had come a bit closer, did Nadine see traces of magic on almost every single one of them.

"We were looking for someone and got lost?"

Eira tried to save as much as possible, but wasn't a very convincing liar. Even though she technically had spoken the truth.

"And who would it be you're looking for?"

They didn't know who it was, but Nadine had the sinking suspicion this woman knew them. And would be less than willing to let them come any closer.


"What's going on Lize?"

A tall man with a black beard had appeared on the scene. The child Nadine had been fixated on, had immediately switched her allegiance from the woman to the man and was now hiding behind his legs.

"Some travellers wandered into town looking for someone. They don't know anything and are reluctant to share."

Nadine saw a glint of metal on the man's hand, but even without that affirmation she already knew it. This was the man Themis was looking for.


"I don't have much, but would you like some tea to warm up?"

Heim had saved them from the town mass and Lize. Taking them from Greystone into his home, the lighthouse.

He was possibly a worse liar than Eira, but Lize had accepted his reasons for taking in the strangers. And acting as if he had always known they were looking for him, even though it was a clear lie.

They were invited to his home while Lize looked after the child, so they could talk in peace. Well, Eira was outside collecting wood for the fire while Nadine would do the talking.

Nadine was certain this was not the line of action Themis had been hoping for. Never tell the victim you're after them, and they had done just that.

Heim had gotten a tea set from who knows where and was serving tea. The domestic scene it portrayed was beautiful yet broken. They weren't here for a nice and pleasant house call.

One wrong move on both ends, and it would end with blood.

"Why are you here?"

Straight to the point. Nadine hadn't even tried to take a sip of the tea yet. Not that she had been planning to drink it, who knew what was going on with it.

"Someone asked me to look for you. See how you were doing."

That was a very nice way of saying they were sent to see if he had gone insane. And if so, should make sure he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone.

"Do I know them?"

Nadine shook her head, she was quite sure Themis had never shown their face to Heim.

"What are you looking for?"

Heim had evaded any and all eye contact since they had met, but was now gazing straight into Nadine's eyes. Green met red in a clash of colours and allegiances.

"We were sent to see if you hadn't succumbed to madness, because of the..." She nodded towards the ring Heim was twirling between his fingers.

"Like my master before me."

Nadine couldn't keep a sigh of relief in, at least he knew what had happened. He probably knew a lot more about this whole problem than Themis would ever share with anyone.

"Well, as you can see that is not the case. Can I ask you to leave now?"

No. This was an investigation and though Nadine was sure the man wasn't insane, she wasn't very sure if he was sane either.

"The child."

Who would ever be found in the company of a child like that?

"It's dangerous."

A child from neither world, created by magic and humans. It would end in disaster. Nadine would have liked to say she had no prejudices against other beings, that she had never had a bias against others. And saying a child was dangerous because their parents weren't from the same group, was hypocritical of her. Her parents hadn't listened to that rule either and she had turned out fine.

Unfortunately not every child had been that lucky through history.

"I will care for her, protect her. Don't worry about it, tell your friend I'm fine. I will keep the ring safe from others."

Heim was sure of his abilities, and together with the power kept hidden away in the ring he would be able to fool the humans for as long as necessary. He was certain nothing would happen to the child because of their lineage, Nadine just had to accept his word as truth.


April 7, 2023

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