Falling Asleep.

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Eight days since the argument and Alessandra was sat, leaning over her desk while resting on her elbows. She was trying to focus on the words, but none of them made sense as the letters physically grew legs and began to run across the page. At one point, the letters even dared to spell out random words. 'Spit' was one, and as she read it, she began making a smacking sound as she realised how dehydrated she was.

After a large glug of water, Alessandra glanced around her. Everything was a mess. She had freshly washed pumps, partially used, from that morning, and her dry eyes even caught sight of the three bottles of water she had already drunk that morning. But before she could do anything about it, an email came in.

She had ten seconds to read the title before the letters grew legs again and ran off. All she could figure out from it was that the director needed her to do a meeting with the BAU. As she read it, she then turned to the calendar and realised it was the due date for a report on them, and it wasn't looking too promising if she recalled correctly.

Shakily she got to her feet and checked her face in the mirror, but as she looked in it, there was nothing there. Just the wall behind her. Shocked, she touched her face with her eyes as wide as they could go. But, her fatigue had taken effect so violently that her eyes were barely even open. 'I'm a vampire. It's true. The old folk tales are true. I am ginger which makes me a vampire. But who can I drink the blood of?' She asked before stepping out of her office, into Mariah's.

Mariah was asleep and lying on the floor with a pillow below her head. 'Poor girl, wake up soon, Snow White,' Alessandra commented as she left the office. If Mariah didn't have narcolepsy, she would have been worried, but it was common for Mariah to find herself taking a funny turn, and when she did, the pillow came out for the brief moment that she found herself unconscious.

By the time Mariah was awake, she groggily stood and stretched out her back, finally noticing the open door that led into Alessandra's office. Her door wasn't meant to be open. And as she stepped forward, she noticed that not only was the door open, but the office was also empty. Which meant Alessandra was free to roam around the building, and no one was monitoring her.

Over the past few days, Mariah had caught her boss in a variety of strange, unpredictable places, from when she was curled up in a urinal to when she was leaning over the railings of the stairs and nearly killing herself. After the first one, Mariah was left with no choice but to strip her boss from head to toe and wash her before dressing her again in some spare clothes. After the last one, Mariah was forced to lock the office door when she went home and wherever Alessandra went, she went too. All because Alessandra couldn't handle sleeping.

She had tried to sleep. Many times, and occasionally, Mariah thought her boss was sleeping. Until her eyes would spring as open as she could make them go in her groggy state, and then she would declare the exact same statement. 'Fuck my timbers. It's not a good day to go for a car ride, is it?' At first, Mariah laughed, and then she stopped laughing. Something wasn't right. And she couldn't help but blame herself. She knew what Alessandra was talking about when she mentioned the car. It was the car she had been shoved into the boot of weeks ago.

In a blind panic, she scanned through the muddled office quickly. Papers were checked, documents had been filed, and her computer left. Doing a double take, Mariah looked at the computer and back again. Alessandra wasn't allowed to leave her computer unlocked. But she had. If anyone found out, she would be fired and potentially sent to prison. FBI employees didn't do well in prison. Everyone knew that. So, without flinching, she checked the screen and saw one unread email. It was from the director about the BAU. After her nosing was done, she locked the computer and stepped out.

No one was going to fire Alessandra on her watch. Especially as technically, it was because of Alessandra that she even had a job. They both acted like they didn't know, but they both did. Because of the narcolepsy, she was unable to be an agent. So, during a hiring day, when she confessed this to Alessandra, her future boss made a call and spoke to a few people. Days later, the letter came through and never in her life had she been so excited. Even if it wasn't as a field agent, she was going to have an FBI identification card. And Alessandra always checked in to be sure that she was safe at home and that she hadn't missed her stop on the metro. That was if she couldn't take Mariah home herself.

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