•●Finally back to reality●•

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You who sat on the couch chair had finnaly woke up, only to find a girl sitting on a couch chair too with a closed book on her lap.. the fire was still warm and the table stood still.. you couldn't really speak. Why would you need to anyways? But who is this girl?

"Oh. You've finally woken up friend." She said in a kind of raspy calm voice looking at you with a blank stare.. and her brown eyes. She had long brown and a little bit messy hair where round-ish glasses stood up on her head still, she had a black hoodie and dark black/blue fingerless gloves and light brown pants and grey socks. "Before I begin.. are you sitting comfy yet?" She asked and you shrugged and adjusted you sitting position and looking up at her nodding. "Yes? Okay then.." she reached her hand out to the table onto the mug and took a sip of what seemed to be hot chocolate.

She placed the mug down and adjusted the book on her lap a bit "Have you ever heard the StoryTale of the floating Islands?" You shook your head. "No?.. well ill tell you about it." You smiled softly making sure you listen real closely to the story.

"Remmember.. this is not just a story about dsmp.. or an added fanmade lore.." she said before fixating her eyes to the book and pulling down the glasses on her head to her eyes and opened the book slowly.

The sad StoryTale of : The floating Island'sWhere stories live. Discover now