Chapter 3

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Thranduil knew Tauriel would be a good mother. Even when she was still in Middle-Earth, even when she was a fierce warrior, he still knew. She had a maternal, soft side to her that was often hidden behind the harsh exterior. It was that side of her that had saved Bard's children during the dragon fire and that had protected the oppressed and those in need since she became a soldier. Thranduil had always known Tauriel wanted to be a mother deep down and that she would eventually have a child. What he did not know back then was that he would be the father. 

During the days and weeks that followed, he watched Tauriel touch her belly more and more with the happiest smile he had seen on her lips since they got together. Throughout the day, he would 'feed' the child with his fea either by placing his hand over her belly or by keeping her in a loving embrace and allowing his light to flow into her. It was one of the most intimate things he had ever done. He remembered also this wonderful experience during Ellerian's pregnancy. For Tauriel however, it was the first time experiencing it and he could feel how entranced she was by it every single time. 

About 3 months after conception, a visitor came to their house. Thranduil heard the horse and came outside into the warm sunlight, to inspect who it was. It was rare that they had unannounced visitors, as all their former relations lived relatively far from them and they now lived a peaceful and rather isolated life that both of them seemed to enjoy. To his surprise, he watched Legolas unmount his horse and come towards their gate with a smile. Thranduil had not seen Legolas in more than 6 months so it was a truly pleasant and unexpected surprise. 

'Your roses need a good cut.', Legolas said cheerfully, coming inside their large garden.

'Hear that, Galion?', he turned with a smirk towards the elf who was now on the front door's steps and watched with curious eyes.

Galion was the only servant Thranduil kept with him and he agreed to remain his butler and valet. He lived in one of the rooms inside their house, further away from Thranduil's personal chambers, and still enjoyed wines and good food, as always. Occasionally, one of the former kitchen maids in the Woodland Realm, who lived the closest to them, would come and provide him with supplies and help him cook more elaborate meals. Galion was a truly versatile servant and still happy to perform his old tasks. 

'My lord.', Galion replied with a short nod.

'Don't worry, Galion, I was just teasing.', Legolas said, coming close now and saluting Thranduil by placing a hand over his shoulder and Thranduil returned his gesture warmly. 

'This is a pleasant surprise.', Thranduil spoke with a velvety voice. 'Come inside. Would you care for some food?'

'No. Unless you have some of those blueberry cakes, then I won't refuse.'

'We certainly have them, my lord Legolas.', Galion replied with a respectful nod as he allowed them to come inside and closed the door behind them. 'Would you care for some wine?'

'Just some tea would be great.', Legolas replied. 'Thank you.'

As Galion disappeared through one of the arcade doors, Thranduil gracefully gestured to Legolas with his hand to have a sit on one of the large armchairs in their main hall. Then he sat down himself, his beautiful silk robes of melted silver falling around him in an elegant way. Legolas was also wearing fine clothes of velvet and an elegant tunic. Thranduil was pleased to see his son looking so noble and less like a common ranger. 

'What brings you here?', he asked.

'I wanted to see you how you are. You have been in hiding lately, it seems.', Legolas replied with a smile.

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