Shopping M.H (fluff)

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I haven't seen the series!!)

The late afternoon brought a very bored      Y/n rummaging through her desk. Soon she felt tired and faced the desk. She cleaned the desk and soon it was now 6PM.

Y/n didn't wait longer, there was another hour until she had to pick up Miranda (her girlfriend) but she couldn't wait.

Y/n arrived and smirked. "Visiting her again?" A fun stubbed man joked and Y/n vigorously nods. She found Miranda doing some work in her computer and Y/n ran into her arms.

Miranda's chair spun and she smiled. "Y/n? I still have an hour." She asked, giving Y/n a kiss on the cheek. "I want to go shopping!" Y/n said happily. "Oh, alrighty! C'mon then." She excused herself from her work assuring her boss she'd finish it tomorrow.

(Y/n's POV)

We were walking to her car and I smiled happily.  Once we got to the seats, she closed my door and sat on the drivers side. I giggled and so did she.

The drive was about 10 minutes, malls would be usually closed so we tried to find a mall that would be open during 7-10pm as Miranda knows I take long to shop.

We get there and she drops me off. Before she could kiss me goodbye, I grabbed her hand. "You're not going shopping with me?" I feel myself sniffling. "Huh? Ugh no darling, I was going to lock the car..." She pauses. "You miss me." She states and locks the car.

Once she comes back I kiss her lips and she holds me close. "I love you so much Miranda." I smile. "I love you more my Y/n." She kisses my cheek and we head inside.

I decided to buy some clothes while Miranda was carrying the items I chose. I found a nice top and a neat jacket. I dragged Miranda to a fitting room and I hung all the things I chose. I took a moment to look around for a second, Miranda giving me a questionable look.

I drag her inside once I knew nobody was there and chuckled. "One person at a time!" She whisper-shouts as she pointed to a sign. I close the door. "You are going to have to be quiet then." I say teasingly as I lock the door.

She sulks in the corner and I kiss her cheek. "I'm a police officer for gods sake." She squirms. "Yet I still have you begging for my touch." I smirk and she nods. "Touché." She replies.

I try on the shirt, undressing in front of her, causing her to stare. "Stop staring and take a photo instead." I smirked out and wore the clothes.

I checked myself out for a moment and she hugs my waist. She rests her head on my head and hums. "You look perfect, absolutely stunning in other words, my love." A smile comes onto my face and she kisses my forehead.

"I love you endlessly, Miranda." I smile. "I love you endlessly, Y/n" she says, emphasizing the 'you'.

Soon a knock was heard on the door. This causes Miranda to panic and hide behind the door. I creak the door open slightly and a worker met my eyes.

"Did you come in alone?" She asked. "Y-yes I did." I say confidently trying not to sound panicked. "Are you sure?" Without even a second I reply "Yes I'm sure." I say glaring down at her.

She nods and walks away. I close the door once again and locked it. I turned and I met Miranda's gaze. "And what did I tell you!?" She whisper-shouted and I giggled. "Oh shut up, you loved the view." I tease, once again I'm taking off the shirt and jacket that I tried on and wore my clothes back.

I picked up the stuff I wanted to buy and got out looking around. I hurriedly rushed Miranda out of the fitting room and she pants. I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk to the register.

If I could make it up there was probably going to be 20+ outfits on there. I made small talk with the cashier until the items were done scanning.

She spoke out the total and I grab my credit card, without even a second of me giving the credit card to the cashier, Miranda has her credit card out.

A couple of "Im paying!". "No I am!" were escaping each others mouths. "Miranda, I'm paying!" I say. "No I am." She replies quickly. Before I could object to what she said, she kisses me and hands her credit card to the cashier. The cashier cashes everything on and I pouted.

Soon when we got the boxes, I gave them to Miranda because she was much more stronger. "And, it was your credit card." She laughs out as I put the credit card in my wallet. "I knew that, officer." I mocked and we both bursted out laughing.

We exited the mall on around 9PM. We got to her car and I open the trunk. She puts the stuff in and we get inside the car.

We soon arrived home and we both carried the boxes to the penthouse apartment. I plopped the stuff beside the door and Miranda groans as she did the same.

We got to the bedroom and I undress quickly and got into the shower. Moments later I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist as the shower hits us both.

I smile and shut the water. I kissed her cheek, then her forehead, and then her lips.

Her longing touch, the loving embrace she possessed, the mesmerizing kiss she knows, and her love that hypnotizes me is endearing.

I loved Miranda so much, by the word so much, I mean that I love her endlessly, ever since I laid my eyes on her, my feelings for her grew. Ever since she caught me from falling off the stairs make my feelings and love for her drastically increased.

My dreams are now fulfilled. With her by my side, I belonged somewhere very sweet.

That place is by her arms everyday, her tame vanilla scent that engulfs me, her smile that I cant help but adore, her laugh that I love so much.

"I love you so much Miranda." I say lastly before kissing her once again.

The kiss was caring and loving. The woman in front of me is what matters in the whole world. I mean what could go wrong?

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