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Kate goes in Raya's room with Evan and shows him the letter he gave Raya. What's up with that Kate? Do you see the edge of the paper under the text? Yes what about it? Don't you see? It's ripped, there is a piece missing. Do you have it? Oh that's what you mean. Yes I have it. Can I see??? Eh okay sure I have it with me right now, sure. Surprisingly for Kate he hands over the missing part with no resistance.

Evan is one year older than Raya so he's 18 which is the age he will have prom. He already has his school leaving examination not like Navy, other than Evan, Navy is as old as Kate but still four months older than her. Kate reads the letter. On it stands the date of prom day and a plan how he wants to ask Raya. This is great Raya will be so happy! Why did you write it on the same paper tho? I ran out of paper heh. Classic. Why did you want to know so bad tho? I don't know I was in my curiousity detective mode.

When are you gonna ask her? In two days. Good luck she will say yes a 100%! Thanks! Oh by the way Navy is searching you. Oh really ? Yes you better get going I'll tell Raya. Eh maybe you shouldn't exactly tell her. Eh what? Gotta go bye! Okay? It was already 3am and most of the people were leaving looking happy or drunk or both or had already left. Even when all of them were gone except of Evan, one other person was found sitting on the couch. Navy! Hey! There you are I searched you! I know Evan told me. Did he tell you anything else? No..why? Just wondering. Okay why did you search me tho? I actually wanted to ask you if you want to meet up tomorrow. So?

Eh.. From the outside Kate looked quite like normal but from the inside her stomach turned around over excitement. Sure. Kate smiled. Where and when? I can come to your place at 2pm is that okay? Yes! Definitely! Cool, I should go home. Both stood up. Navy went to the wardrobe and put on his jacket. After that he opened the door and Kate held it open. See you tomorrow, Kate. Yeah see you. Kate closed the door behind her. Happiness and excitement flowed through her body as she took a deep relieving breath.

Kate then went to go tell Raya the news but when she peeked in her room she saw Evan gifting her a necklace and gave her a soft kiss. Maybe their relationship isn't that cheesy after all, just romantic in their way but the thought was there for seconds only, it was still to romantic for Kate's taste. She then left them alone and went in her room. The party was over, Kate knows Navy now, Raya is happy with Evan and all in all Kate loved the magic that whiles in the air, even after everyone got back to their homes. Also back in the morning her parents congratulated Kate and said that she would get her presents when they're back, which they hope is okay for her. It is Kate doesn't mind it, also because today was incredible for her.

After Evan had left, Raya came into Kate's room. Hey Katie look what I got! Aw a necklace that's so cute. Yes it is, did you wanted to tell me something? Actually yes, Navy said he will be here at 2pm tomorrow. That's awesome Katiee!!! Yes it is. *Knock* Where did that came from? No idea. *Knock* Katie pushed back the curtain. Okay, there. *Knock* A stone? Why would anyone throw stones at my window? Just open the window Kate. A person I can't see who it is. Me neither.

Watch out! Another stone flew in, this time with a letter. Kate looked out of the window again but the person was gone. She closed the window and began to read the letter with Raya next to her. 'Here is my number. Sorry I know it's late, I'd appreciate it, if you'd write me.' From Navy :)

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