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Operation: Conqueror
Time: 11:30AM
Date: June 30, 1993

{<Briefing 1 - ACZ Theme Plays>}

{{-War Room screen opens-}}

We have an emergency meeting and it is urgent you all know now of. We have encapsulated the full scale of this crossfield battle, that they are now engaging into our territory for the second time.

So today this meeting will concern our stronghold's main point, again. after taking it back on May during Operation Skyline. Xi Jinping and his government aren't going to backdown in a failed attempt for the second time. Even worst... he's sent over half a thousand of his Air Power incoming in the West China Sea. Tons of Chinese Aircrafts including, Naval Reinforcements, Beaching Units, and an Elite Air Unit we're still unaware of.

(-the war room captures all the footage of the full CCP Fleet, their Air Force, Land Beaching Units, and an unknown Elite Air Unit we're unaware of-)

The battle will be taking place just kilometers aways from the wreck of the famous Battleship Yamato under 300 feet deep. These bastards are REAL desparate to even take it with every ounce of their blood and youth.

(-located on Okinawa's nearby islands and water that is going to be segregated for the incoming assault on the Operation and telling by how prepared the JSDF is they were also fully prepare with hundreds of naval ships, beaching defense lines, and even backup Carriers to provide more air support against the enemy fleet-)

What we're going to do here is contemplate what advise of strategy, and tactics are efficient. We will be fighting forward the enemies with all our little amount of strength possible. The battlefield will be very large that even air power will be needed as much as possible in all available airlines. That includes; any airport, aircraft carriers, and all our airbases.

(-it portrays all the available airbases, airports, and aircraft carriers involved for Operation: Conqueror-)

Because its placing the bet on all our Military Power. It will be called, Operation: Conqueror. We will not OR EVER back down to let them take our main stronghold!

(-the screams and shouts of Men behind the background angrily roared with determination to put all their will and power to put an end to the Chinese second annexation of Okinawan Territory they were VERY READY since the beginning they prepared-)

Everyone, let us show the Chinese who TRUELY owns the Seas of Okinawa.

:🦋JSDF Alliance🦋:

Operation: Conqueror
Time Launch: 11:30AM
Date: June 30, 1993
Weather: Clear Skies
Season: Spring

{<-Briefing 1 - ACZ Theme Ends>}

{{-camera cutscene-}}

[The Airports . . .]

Time: 11:40AM
Date: June 30, 1993

<<JSDF Pilot>>
Pilot launching!
<-engines powered up->

<<JSDF Pilot>>
Taking off, here we go!

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