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"Grandma, Grandma, please come and read me a book!",  the little girls voice echoed through the hallway of the small house she and her Grandma lived in.

"But dear, I'm pretty sure i already read all of the books we have to you", the old lady sighed with a soft smile on her face while the little girl's energetic smile faded into an expression of dissapointment.

 "That can't be true! I don't believe it. I'll go see for myself!", she said and quickly ran from the kitchen into the small reading room, her favourite room in this house.

 Carefully, she eyed all of the books on the two big shelfes and with every book, she grew sadder. He grandma had been right. She alredy knew all the books. 

That was, until she reached the very last book on the second shelf. It looked different than the other books, as it had a leather binding and the pages on the side looked a bit yellowed. It had neither a title, nor a blurb, which made it even more interesting. 

Her desicion made, she grabbed the book and sprinted back into the kitchen, where her grandma was waiting. "Look, I found one!", she proudly said and her grandma turned her head towards her, eying the book. 

"Oh, yes I forgot about that one... I hope you're already old enaugh for the story in this one", the old Lady said, smiling a warm, wrinkly smile. The girl nodded energetically and so they both went to the livingroom, where they sat down on the couch. 

The girl handed the book to her grandma, who slowly opened it and started to read:

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom somewhere in nowhere, there lived a young princess... 

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