Chapter 3

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Do something for it? Sure, what am I supposed to do? The only thing I've ever learnt is how to read and write, how to behave and how to bring up children.

"What could you do to earn your place here?" asked the man whose name was still unknown to me. "Well, it would be possible for me to teach children reading, writing, arithmetic and good manners. I'm also reasonably skilful at teaching good manners," I replied, earning a suspicious look from Ophelia.

"If you can demonstrate these skills, you will take on this task in the future. If not, I have plenty of other uses for you," he agreed, triggering an uneasy feeling in me. Even though I'd only known him for a few minutes, I didn't particularly like this man.

"Now that we've sorted that out, Ophelia will show you to your room. Retire," the head of the family ended the conversation and again I followed the blonde woman through the dark, long corridors.

We took a few turns and I tried to remember as best I could how many times we turned in which direction.

Just in case.

We stopped in front of a room. The door was open, revealing a gloomy room. To the right of the door was a wardrobe, on the other side a bed and a desk. The only window wasn't very big either and the only thing that provided any real light was the candlestick on the wall next to the desk. Perhaps the room only seemed so small to me because I only knew the luxury of the castle.

But as I had no other choice, I entered the room and Ophelia followed me.

"Here's the key. But I'd advise you not to actually lock your room, because if you're needed and your room is locked, you'll have a problem." With these words, Ophelia put the key on my desk and then left my room too.

I was still terribly tired, but I forced myself to write a letter to Anakin and Elora anyway. I found a few sheets of paper and a quill with an inkwell in one of the desk drawers. Although I thought it was rude, I was surprised that I had found this in my room. I pushed this thought aside, sat down at the desk and began to write.

"Dear brother, dear Elora,

Everything has gone according to plan so far. I have found the family in question and have been given permission to stay with them. The day was exhausting, though, and I'm very happy to have a roof over my head and my own room again. The head of the family is an interesting person. To be honest, he seemed a bit scary. How are things going at the castle? Has Orion left the kingdom again after he found out I ran away? I will of course be checking in with you regularly and would be very happy to receive a reply to this letter.

And another message to my brother:

I would like to know from Anakin what is written on this note, because when I showed it to the Chief, this man spoke of calling in a favour. I would be grateful if you could answer me.

Love, Liarya. "

When I had finished writing the letter, I took the bird whistle out of my pocket, opened the window and whistled.

It wasn't long before a beautiful black crow landed on the windowsill. I folded up the letter and tied it around the raven's foot, and as if it knew what its task was, the bird flew away immediately.

Now all that remained was to hope that the news reached my brother and Elora.

However, the recent events were still deep in my bones, so I fell into bed and sank straight into a deep yet dreamless sleep.


"Get up! You'd better hurry or you'll be late and I wouldn't advise that," Ophelia's voice woke me up and I opened my eyes.

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