Chapter 14

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Two more weeks passed and nothing improved. Only one of my wings kept appearing, no matter how hard I tried or how much I concentrated.

Tirian was still as strict as before, only giving me breaks if I practically begged him to.

Besides that, he still found it very hilarious how only one wing at the time appeared and he had probably laughed more in these two weeks than in his entire life before.

"I give up. You're a hopeless case", he sighed, after yet another failed attempt of getting both my wings to appear.

"Why thank you. It is such a compliment to hear that. But coming from you, I shouldn't be surprised", I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

"Apologies, your highness", Tirian grinned, making the weird feeling in my stomach come back. It happened more frequently the more time we spent together.

"We'll try something new today. Forget the wings. We'll find out what your type of magic is."

That definitely sounded more exciting than failing over and over again. Hopefully.

Once again, Tirian told me to close my eyes and shortly after that, he took my hands.

The feeling in my stomach became stronger and I almost wished he would have done this earlier.

No, Liarya! It's for training.

I reminded myself and was told once again to concentrate.

Shortly after that, I felt a strong force rush through my whole body and Tirian told me to open my eyes again.

When I opened them, I gasped. Right before me was a huge ice block.

"What is that?" I asked in shock, not believing I created this.

"It's ice. Your talent seems to be ice magic, though I already expected as much from the princess of Nularis."

Tirians answer was as plain as ever amd he didn't seem to be impressed or anything, wich made me a little sad, much to my surprise.

"Now try doing it again, but without my help. Concentrate and focus. You should be able to do that by now", he smirked at the end of his sentence and I just rolled my eyes slightly before turning around and trying to focus.

I closed my eyes and tried to recreate the feeling from before. The coldness and force rushing through me once again.

I failed miserably.

Tirian was sighing again and ran a hand through his hair.

"You either have some concentration problems or you are just untalented as hell." He shrugged and I shot him the most annoyed look I could master.

Then I closed my eyes once more and tried again, but Tirian kept talking about how he could master his magic after just a few hours of training and after a while it got really annoying.

"Stop bragging and shut up! I can't concentrate!" I said in a loud voice and stopped abruptly afterwards before opening my eyes and turning around.

There was another ice block in front of me now.

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