Chapter 1

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Bored, I walked through the castle. I had absolutely nothing to do, because miraculously all my teachers had cancelled their lessons today.

But when I saw my friend, I immediately thought of something we could do.

"Hey Elora, you really have to teach me how you managed to do that! Because my classes are really cancelled today!", I greeted the black-haired girl stormily.

"I don't know what you're talking about, your highness," she grinned and I suddenly pulled her behind me into the library. 

"What are we doing in the forbidden area of the castle library?" she whispered to me as we sneaked past the librarian Griselda, a grumpy goblin lady.

 In the forbidden part of the library it smelled of dark, dangerous magic and leather and normally I kept to the prohibition not to come here under any circumstances, but today it was different. 

"I want to find out more about magic," I gave her an honest answer and she sighed before briefly rolling her eyes. When I looked at her questioningly, she sighed again.

"I know it must be hard for you to live without using magic, but his majesty, the king himself, has wished it to be like that. We could both get into serious trouble if anyone caught us in here", she whispered, only causing me to roll my eyes.  

"But why? Why does father hate the idea of me being taught how to use magic so much? Because I'm a woman? Or does he think I'm too weak? I don't get it!" I answered, my voice unintentionally getting louder with every word, until suddenly someone cleared their throat behind us.

We quickly turned around, only to find Griselda and a few guards behind us, looking not pleased at all. 

"How dare you sneak into the forbidden area of the library? I strictly forbade you, didn't I!" thundered Andrius and I stood in the throne room with my head down listening to his rant.

Elora got no punishment as I successfully convinced father that she had nothing to do with the matter.

"Liarya! Are you even listening to me?!" he yelled and a thin layer of ice slowly developed in the hall. It became colder and beautiful patterns of ice formed on the windows.

Although it looked very beautiful, it was life-threatening for my mother. She came from Eldarmar and it was always warm there. And although Cecilia has been here in the castle for 20 years now, father's cold still bothered her.

 "I'm sorry, King Andrius," I apologised. "It won't happen again, I promise" The ice retreated and it became warmer again.

By now I was so used to my father scolding me, that I just didn't really care anymore, since the only thing i had to do to make him calmer was apologizing.

That I wasn't serious most of the times was nothing he had to know. 

"Yes father, Liarya was just curious. I was once that age too" my brother's voice suddenly rang out.

"But you weren't snooping around in the forbidden area of the library, Anakin," Father chided him. "Sure I have. I was just smarter and never got caught," he grinned and stood beside me while giving me an admonishing look.

 "Come on sis, you should get changed. The little prince will be here in less than two hours," he grinned and pulled me out of the throne room and into my chambers.

"Thank you," I murmured. The prospect of meeting my future husband today spoiled my mood now.

"I can get rid of him for you if you want," Anakin snapped me out of my thoughts. "Are you crazy? You can't kill him!", I shouted in horror, but my brother just looked at me in confusion.

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