Chapter 2

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I awoke to the sounds of metal clanging on metal, and the clamor of the camp we were in. I was in a tent, and Paul was still asleep, on a cot next to mine. I sat up and after taking in my surroundings, which weren't much, a few swords and cots and just general chaos, I got up and exited the tent

The view that greeted me, was indescribably beautiful. We were in a lush, green vale, with waterfalls on each side. Before us laid a sprawling plain, with farms and roads stretching as far as the eye can see. And right in the middle of it all, a large, sprawling city made up of houses that I recognized the style and ,anger in which they were built, to buildings and sprawling marketplaces that were completely foreign to my eyes. Surrounding it all, was a ginormous wall, with towers and parapets that seemed to touch the sky.

"Pretty, isn't it" A voice to my side said. I jumped, being startled but quickly replied "where are we?" "We're right outside the capitol, Aarhus, of the kingdom of Tøft" replied the soldier. "Thats's Aarhus???" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Are you sure? We're not in the southern kingdoms?"

He laughed and said "nope! This is the largest city in the north, aside from Murmsk, but we are the biggest un-abandoned city in the north!" "Incredible" I breathed "are the cities in the southern kingdoms really that big?" "Yup! And bigger too" "that's incredible. Who's that?" I asked "That's the detachment leader Levi Ackerman" "He's a bit short isn't he" (what are you going to do, sue me? Lol this isn't an aot au, this is just my brain making a really shitty joke after school bc I've been around people too much) "eh. He packs a good punch"

"I'm still gonna make fun of him because I'm a little asshole" "aaanyway you better get back to your tent, your brother seems to be waking up" "He's not my brother, he's just a friend from our former home" I said as I briskly walked away

I entered the tent to find my younger friend crying. "Hey hey hey it's okay, we're safe here" "Where are we?" He tearfully asked. "We're outside Aarhus, the soldiers took us there" "I can't believe this is happening" Paul said. "Don't worry, there's going to be a meeting later. We're going to figure this out, okay?" "Okay" "Okay," I said "I'm going to go talk to the detachment leader about some stuff, I'll see you later okay?" "Okay" He responded as I left the tent

It took me a little while to find him, but eventually I was pointed in the right direction of his little tent office. "Mr. Ackerman?" I asked. "Come in" he said and I prepared to get a mind blowing amount of information.

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