20. Rock The Boat

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When shift came around I still hadn't heard anything from Dad or Athena. I was worried. They wouldn't send a message or call unless something was wrong. "Look, if you've got nothing by the end of shift then put it down to bad signal. There is a tropical storm coming." Buck said and I looked at him. We'd only just dropped the kids off at Hayden's and now I was glad they weren't here to hear this.

"Why the hell would you say that. You know that I'm just going to stress even more. I'm going to be grey by the time they come back." I said to him and he looked at me.

"Well, would that be a bad thing?" He asked me and I just shook my head at him and kept on driving.

"Yes it would be. Now, I'm going to hope that Hen has had some form of contact. Otherwise I'm going to go crazy with her." I said to him and when we arrived at work I saw her. She came over to me.

"Anything from Bobby or Athena?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"All calls going to voicemail and texts unanswered. How about you?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"I haven't had anything either. Hopefully they're just doing back to back activities. We all know your dad's probably planned every hour." She said to me and I hoping that would be it too. I just had to think positively. We weren't even an hour into shift when we went on the worst call of the night. Drunk driver incident.

"Sports car T-boned the SUV causing it to roll onto the sedan. We got two trapped inside, mother and a daughter. Mom is not responsive." Williams said to us as we pulled up on scene. I looked at Chim.

"Help! My mom, she's hurt!" We heard the daughter saw and I couldn't imagine how she must be feeling.

"All right. We're gonna get you both out of there. What's your name?" Hen asked her as we looked inside the car. Buck and Eddie should be here shortly to get them both out.

"Lexi. My- -My mom was just giving me a driving lesson. That guy ran the light, came out of nowhere." Lexi said to us and I looked at the guy. On the phone. Evading the situation. The one he caused.

"All right. Lexi, my friend here is gonna have a quick look at you, okay?" She asked the girl whilst looking at Chim. I guess I was on the asshole. The one that didn't deserve care.

"Okay." Lexi said to her.

"Lexi, if you can look here, please?" Chim asked her and that's when I walked away. I started on my way to the guy that was awake. But I stopped when I saw Williams.

"Is that our Mario Andretti over there?" Hen asked Williams.

"The guy trying to call his way out of it." I said to them both.

"Yeah." Williams said to us both.

"Field sobriety?" Hen asked him. I bet he was drunk.

"Refuses. He 'knows his rights'." Williams said to us and I shook my head.

"Of course he does." I said to them both. I hated when people were like this. All because they could admit to the damage they'd done.

"Mmm. I bet he does. Chim, Y/n, check him out. Let's make sure we don't have to take him to the hospital before he gets taken to jail." Hen said to the two of us. I didn't even see Chim come over.

"Copy that." We both said and we started walking over.

"Look, I want a supervisor. Are you important? Do you matter?" He asked as we walked over to him. That didn't matter.

"Sir, these paramedics need to take a look at you." Williams said to him and I looked at him.

"We won't take very long." I said to him with a nod.

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