I mess up some food

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The next day started like any other. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make my daily breakfast of banana porridge. (this is probably the most random piece of canon lore ever) My mind wandered to the thoughts of the upcoming adventure as I boiled the water in the pot and added my oats, and I was nearly finished when I thought something was wrong. I looked down and saw a half-peeled banana staring back at me, wondering why it isn't in the pot. Great. I'd forgotten the banana.

Focus, Quincy. I scolded myself as I sat down on my little table and started eating my very banana-less porridge. Just because you are about to set out on a potentially deadly mission doesn't mean you get an excuse to not make proper porridge. I It tasted... Weird. I took a bite of the banana that was supposed to be in my bowl to compensate, when I heard Oliver at my door. Oh, not now, I thought, he can't see my failed porridge. But when the door opened, he was far too troubled with something to care about my cooking fail. 

He sat down at my table and locked eyes with me. "It's time for you to leave,"he said."You'd better go out and greet the crowd, a lot of people want to say goodbye. Remember, you're going to join the army as far as they know. Don't reveal anything about the prophecy to anyone." I had anticipated this moment with mixed feelings, but now that it's here I just felt sad to leave all my friends behind. I got up heavily, and followed Oliver out of the door to say my goodbyes.

There were a lot of people crowded outside my door. I went outside to greet them, trying hard to keep up the story that I was going to join the army. People told me that I'd be a great soldier, and I had to swallow back what I wanted to say, and just nodded silently instead. The people just thought that I was sad to leave home, and didn't find it strange or suspicious. After an unbearable hour of goodbyes, my travel bag was quite a bit heavier with gifts, and I had to pack the rest in a separate bag I left at home just to be able to carry it. The ones I really appreciated were a small torch(practical);a brand new portable stove(I packed Oliver's old one before);a banana signed with the names of my school friends(that quickly turned black, so maybe that wasn't the best idea after all); a signed quiver for my bow(now that's what you want to sign) and finally a few thousand monkey money in total(that I didn't accept because I already have money in my purse inside my bag). 

I was ready to set off when Oliver reminded me of something. "How are you going to carry your bow?" I smiled. I have been tinkering with my father's bow for some time, and in the process of replacing the old bowstring, I found a mechanism that allows it to be packed up for easy transporting and assembled in less than a minute. A fine piece of work, if you ask me. I waved a final goodbye to everyone and set off from the back door of the village, heading straight towards monkeyopolis, my next destination.

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