I walk all day and think to myself on the way

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Finally, after days(and chapters) of stalling, it was time to set off. With my travel bag in hand, I walked out of the village and onto the narrow, winding track, making for Monkeyopolis, just a day's walk away. Having been trapped inside my office for the past month, I had completely missed the coming of spring, and now the land has been revived by the lengthening days. Birds sang overhead in an amount unseen in the winter, and tiny flowers bloomed on the edge of the yellow dirt road.

 The sight was cheerful, but also reminded me of the uncertainty of my quest. On days like these, monkeys like me shouldn't be going on adventures that they don't even know about, I thought bitterly. I bet nobody in Oakheart has to worry about  a badly written prophecy. The distant sound of rushing water pulled me back into reality. That's the river marking the outer boundary of oakheart! I thought. Once I cross it, I'll be into unknown lands for good. 

By the time I approached the banks of the river, the sun was past its highest. I thought of this as a good time to have lunch, so I sat down against a tree near the riverbank and brought out my lunch for the first day. Flaky golden pastries baked and packed by Oliver's wife, the most famous baker in town, given to me as a parting gift. These were absolutely phenomenal and none of us know her secret, only that she works hard all morning to make these. Once someone asked her what's her secret ingredient, and she replied:"I don't have a secret ingredient, I have a secret manual that also serves as a pretty good stick for whacking nosy kids like you." and nobody asked her any more questions, but her products continued to reign supreme. 

I chuckled as I picked up the last pastry, the memory painting a smile on my face, but it reminded me of what I'm leaving behind, perhaps forever. I put the last one back and decided to eat a banana instead. After the lunch break, I was back on the road. The shadows were lengthening at an alarming pace, and I had to get to Monkeyopolis before it gets completely dark, or else the gate would close and I would have no chance of getting in until tomorrow. It was tight, but with a clear goal in mind, I started speeding up until I was half walking, half jogging, until I saw the gate looming in the distance. Then I went even faster.

I arrived panting at the walls of Monkeyopolis, which looked surprisingly small now that I was right in front of them. This doesn't look like the biggest city in this entire region, let alone producer of  30% of all bananas sold. (get it? because the upgrade in the game produces lots of cash/bananas?) I was puzzled and for a second thought this wasn't the right place, but I shook that thought off. No need to make myself worry, I'll just go in. What can go wrong? Even as I thought that I thought of a thousand things that could go wrong, but I worked up the courage and stepped up to the gate. It was wide open, but it seems like I was late enough to the point where there were few monkeys coming in or out.

I walked into the city, but it didn't look much like how I imagined a city at all. It just looked like a bigger, more densely populated version of my hometown, with all the places I was familiar with, just on bigger scales. With a market where monkeys were hurrying to get the last offers of the day, a pub emitting the strong smell of wine, an avenue full of shops and restaurants that lit up the street, I didn't feel like I was in a foreign place at all! Either way, my feet were tired and I needed somewhere to rest for the night. I looked around for an Inn or a tavern to stay in, and didn't take long to find one. 

I went inside and talked to the manager to get a room, but when I went to pay my wallet was gone! I turned around and saw the thief darting around the corner and gave chase, even though my legs were screaming at me to take a rest. However fast I ran, the thief was always in front of me, until he was out of sight altogether. While I caught my breath, I took in my surroundings that I had failed to notice on the frantic chase. I was surrounded by houses on both sides, it seems like I have chased the thief down a small alleyway. It was a cosy place, but what do I do now?

Suddenly the dark alleyway was lit up by a cone of light. I blinked trying to find the source of the sudden change, and realised one of the doors have swung open silently, and a monkey perhaps a year younger was beckoning to me. "Hey you! You're a traveller right? You can stay in our place for the night." There was a tone of admiration in his voice, as if he dreamed of walking into unknown lands. I agreed, thinking I would somehow find the thief tomorrow and then continue the journey. Thanking him, I walked into the light, but I had no idea that this enthusiastic boy was going to save my life one day.

Finally here, this one took so long! I can't blame it on the length, because most of it was written in one weekend. Any ideas on who the boy is? It'll be revealed next chapter anyways. Hint, its one of the heroes in the game.

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