Chapter 2:Plans

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Steel clashed against steel, and magic sparks erupted, as two trainees sparred, while their teachers and peers watched their every move.

The two half elf twins moved with great speed, and struck with precision, their blades almost blurs of bronze and purple.

One of them broke off, and released a burst of bronze fire, which the other evaded, and then struck back with a flurry of strikes with her twin purple swords. The suddenly electrified blades temporarily threw off her opponent, but he recovered quickly and said "Vindr vaetna", pushing her away with a gust of wind.

Ralea took a moment to gather her energy, and came in for a second assault. Judeor met her swords with his own, and kicked for her leg, though she saw the attack coming and raised her foot, letting his pass through empty air. "Ramr", she said, kicking him in the gut. The spell amplified her strength, sending Judeor skidding back.

"Letta", he said, stopping his skid. He attacked first this time, his bronze blade moving in intricate patterns. Ralea blocked every strike, and sidestepped a thrust. Before she could do anything, he slammed his shoulder into her chest, and said "Kveykva", sending a torrent of bronze lightning. She crossed her electrified swords, blocking the attack, and sliced through the air, sending the energy back at him. Judeor absorbed it into his palm and let it fuel his offensive, now striking with greater strength and speed. Ralea amplified her body to match, and as he overextended with a long thrust, she locked his wrist between her S guards, and wrenched his sword out of his hand, while at the same time pulling him into a knee strike to the gut.

Eragon, Arya, Murtagh and Nasuada watched the twins, though Nasuada had trouble keeping pace with their speed. Two other senior Riders were there as well, an urgal, Turok, and an elf, Aruna, along with their dragons, Lornaq and Reolan. Murtagh and Nasuada's children, Roedan and Kelja, watched their cousins intently, as did three other trainees.

Judeor evaded several strikes and caught Ralea's wrist. He pushed her other arm away and twisted her wrist, forcing her to let go, leaving them evenly matched once again. They circled each other, ready to strike, but before they could engage, Eragon said "Stop", and they obliged.

"Well done. Roedan, Kelja, your turn", he continued. Judeor returned Ralea's sword to her, and retrieved his, before returning to their classmates.

Kelja spun her saber staff, creating an emerald shield around herself. Some of the older Riders scoffed under their breaths. Roedan held his white sword pointed forward. "Brisingr", he said, engulfing his weapon in diamond fire. Kelja parried his strikes and pushed him away with a gust of wind. "Deloi moi", she said, stabbing her saber staff into the ground, sending ripples through the earth. Roedan leapt over the earth stumps she directed it at him, and brought his sword down on her defenses. She retreated, and retaliated with a water whip, throwing him back.

"Malthinae deloi", she said, and a warrior formed out of the rocks, armed with a sword. Roedan blasted the warrior with a torrent of lightning, but Kelja blocked the attack with an earth shield, and she and the warrior attacked in unison.

"Flauga", Roedan said, and jumped, soaring over them. He landed in a crouch and said "Vindr vaetna", flinging them back.

"Adurna jierda", Kelja said, directing a torrent of water at him. "Skolir edtha fra adurna", he said. The torrent split against an invisible shield. Roedan blocked several strikes from the warrior, making sure to keep it between him and his sister. The warrior kept pushing, fueled by Kelja's energy. Roedan evaded another strike and said "Jierda", breaking off the warrior's sword arm. It quickly reformed, however, and the warrior  sent him back with a slam kick to the chest. Roedan flipped back to his feet and rolled away from Kelja's saber staff.

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