Chapter 5:Scouting Mission

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"The Riders have arrived, master. They took us by surprise. Only thanks to the skyship, we had managed to escape decimation. We have no way of defeating them. I can handle most of the apprentices with ease, but each of the five masters is too powerful. Not even Freya or Kirtan can win against Eragon and Arya. We shall need reinforcements." "You will be aided in this fight. Fear not."


Three dragons-a yellow, a bronze, and an aquamarine, flew over the Spine, going with the warm morning breeze, alert for any changes in the environment.

Ikalor and Akala stayed a few meters behind Lornaq, a few meters apart from one another. Turok, Judeor and Lorea spoke little, instead focusing on the land and the skies.

Lornaq flew higher, suddenly, and slowed to a stop, hovering in the air. Ikalor and Akala stopped, too, and the four apprentices sent questioning thoughts toward the pair.

"Something is watching us. I can not say where it is, or what it is" Turok said, as Lornaq sniffed at the air. Then, something caught his attention, his head darting over to sharp left. The yellow dragon grumbled, and then immediately banked to the right, as something silvery passed through where he was a second ago. Ikalor and Akala backed away, the latter instantly blown forward by an invisible force.

Ikalor saw something silvery moving toward her, and pounced on it. A pained shriek was his reward, and drops of purple blood fell. A few touched his paws and he growled, his scales smoking. Akala seemingly recovered from whatever shocked her, and swung her tail, the sharp spikes drawing out another shriek. Lornaq flew by them, and Turok's yellow sword descended on the creature. Lornaq drew back his head and unleashed a torrent of yellow flames, revealing a creature not unlike those that had attacked them earlier. Turok's sword had done its damage, and the creature fell.

"Where was its rider?" Judeor said, puzzled. "A strange occurrence. But we have no time to dwell on that now. We should keep going", Turok said, sheathing his sword.

"Master, behind you!" Lorea exclaimed, releasing an aquamarine energy ball. Lornaq turned quickly, and batted the injured creature aside with his wing, sending it straight into Akala's jaws. The aquamarine dragon restrained the creature, while Lorea fought the rider. Ikalor and Lornaq moved to reinforce her, but were distracted by several more of the creatures.

One of the new arrivals possessed a powerful dark aura around him. He and 3 more attacked Turok and Lornaq, while the rest came for the apprentices.

Lorea tricked the first rider and severed her neck. Akala released the dying creature and unleashed a torrent of fire, frying two more pairs.

"Svell daert!", Lorea said, sending an ice spear at another pair, killing the creature. The rider fell victim to Akala's talons, as did another pair.

Judeor's sword moved in a bronze blur, deflecting the three enemy swords. He ducked under a beam of red light and said "Vindr vaetna", scattering them, thus leaving him and Ikalor some breathing room. The bronze dragon flew towards one of them, and Judeor pushed the other two away with another gust of wind. The unfortunate creature manage to dodge Ikalor's pounce, but was caught on his tail spikes, and the dragon turned around quickly, finishing the job with his jaws. The rider landed a sword cut to his snout, though Ikalor moved his head away before the sword could deal serious damage, escaping with a shallow surface wound, which stung, but wasn't life threatening. Judeor deflected a beam of red light and skewered the rider with his sword, and tossed the corpse aside. He placed his palm on Ikalor's snout, and said "Waise heill", healing the wound. Ikalor rumbled in relief.

Turok decapitated another creature, leaving just one of the four pairs. This rider was far more powerful than its comrades, however, and quickly forced the master on the defensive. The creature danced around Lornaq, evading the yellow dragon's attacks with its superior speed and agility, though Lornaq's defense was more than strong enough to repel his foe's weaker strikes. Neither could the rider penetrate Turok's defenses.

Turok blocked a flurry of fast strikes and said "Brisingr", scorching his foe with a fire ball. The rider just barely evaded most of the fire, and retaliated with a torrent of red light, which the urgal met with a lightning shield. Lornaq spread his wings out, and whipped his tail around. Turok unleashed a barrage of compressed air balls, , staggering his foe. The rider blocked his attacks, but the distraction bought Lornaq just enough time to close the distance between him and the creature. By the time it realized what was going on, it was too late.

As Lornaq tore into its body, however, the rider unleashed a blast of light, and struck Turok with a beam. The attack would have killed him, had it not been for the heavily enchanted steel plate covering the Urgal's torso. Nonetheless, the power behind the attack, sending both flying backward.

By this time, Lorea, Akala, Judeor and Ikalor had finished off the rest of the creatures, and advanced on the lone Rider and his creature. Knowing that he could not take two Riders and dragons in his creature's condition, the rider chose to retreat. The more nimble creature darted away, and both apprentices flew back to their injured teachers.

"Waise heill", they said, healing their more serious wounds. "Thank you", Turok said, and Lornaq echoed with his mind.

"We should turn back. There might be more of them in the vicinity", Turok said, sheathing his sword. And so they did. An hour later, they were back in Therinsford.


Svell daert: ice dart

Waise heill: be healed

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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