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Writing this has been an actual roller coaster. Writing on the train. Writing on the way to a Broadway show. Writing during class. Even writing at the hospital today where I finished this!

It's currently about to 3am here in New York so good morning and good night my people :)


September 1st, 1995
Grover Unexpectedly Loses his Pants
The Lightning Thief

September 1st, 1995Grover Unexpectedly Loses his PantsThe Lightning Thief

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Confession time: I ditched Grover as soon as we got to the bus terminal.


"Really Percy?"

"You just left him there?"

All those questions were thrown at the blond-haired boy who shrugged his shoulders, "He was freaking me out! I didn't know!" Percy protests. He thought his friend was going off his rockers for a moment. "You would do the same thing," he says to everyone.

Clarisse nods, "I would do it just to get away from him."

"Oh!" Harry mumbles. He doesn't think that's what Percy meant.

"What scar boy?" Clarisse scowls.

"Nothing!" Harry spits out. She scares him a bit.

I know, I know. It was rude. But Grover was freaking me out, looking at me like I was a dead man, muttering "Why does this always happen?" and "Why does it always have to he sixth grade?" Whenever he got upset, Grover's bladder acted up, so I wasn't surprised when, as soon as we got off the bus, he made me promise to wait for him, then made a beeline for the restroom.

"A bit inconvenient, eh?" Charlie could only imagine him arguing with someone and in the middle of it him having to use the loo. That'd be horrid.

"More than a bit," Grover mumbles to himself. It was the reason he lost Percy. Coming out of the bathroom he was terrified that the monsters had got him, or he had dropped dead or something. His bladder always does this.

Instead of waiting, I got my suitcase, slipped outside, and caught the first taxi uptown.

"East One-hundred-and-fourth and First," I told the driver.

Travis and Conner share a wicked smirk, "You still live there? We could you know, stop by just to say hi," Travis smiles at his brother before looking at Percy.

"Yeah, like good friends do," Conner smiles.

Of course, they'd do more than say hi, but he didn't have to know that.

Percy eyed the pair of them, "We moved." He deadpans loving the way the smiles on their faces dropped. "Unfortunately, right? I would've love having you over."

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