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Love Island USA.
Love Island USA.
Serena & Kordell are my babes!!


This chapter has more show elements than book. I love some show conversations and think they're funny so it's definitely a mix and will continue to be going forward!!


September 4th 1995

I had weird dreams full of barnyard animals

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I had weird dreams full of barnyard animals. Most of them wanted to kill me. The rest wanted food. Hell, I like food.

"Now I want food," Ron grumbles. He would kill for a mean roast chicken right about now. He allowed his eye to seek out the clock in the room, "three more hours until lunch," he mumbles to himself.

Hermione shakes her head in disbelief, "We quite literally just had breakfast, Ronald."

"I'm a growing boy," he harshly whispers back. He needs to eat and stay healthy.

Harry snickers at the small banter, he is also a growing boy, and he does not eat as much as Ron. To be fair, he can't recall if he's ever seen anyone eat as much as Ron apart from Dudley. But that's a whole separate issue.

I must've woken up several times, but what I heard and saw made no sense, so I just passed out again. I remember lying in a soft bed, being spoon-fed something that tasted like buttered popcorn, only it was pudding.

The girl with braids hovered over me, smirking as she scraped drips off my chin with the spoon. The girl with the curly hair stood right next to her, she looked bored.

When the girl with the braids saw my eyes open, she asked, "What will happen at the summer solstice?"

I managed to croak, "What?"

She looked around, as if afraid someone would overhear. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, "I don't..."

"Anna, hurry," the curly haired girl said, "someone is coming."

Somebody knocked on the door, and the girl quickly filled my mouth with pudding.

The next time I woke up, the girls were gone.

Will did not like that at all, "The infirmary is meant to be a place of rest not for you to harass my patients or any patients," he sternly says to Annabeth and Venus. While Venus did not do anything she enabled Annabeth.

Venus nods her head in acknowledgement, she should not have helped Annabeth. She can admit that. "Sorry, Percy," she apologizes to her friend. He did not seem to mind but Percy never did.

Percy smirks, "You know what? I don't think I forgive you. Beg for it. Since you did, you know? Cause me a great deal of distress while I was recovering."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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