(Wyatt) "Couple's Concealing"

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After Leo left for his morning class, I started to wash the dishes and everything I had used for breakfast this morning. I kept talking to Henry for a while until Finn woke up. The three of us stayed playing video games and watching movies as we waited for time to pass by. I was on the couch sitting to Finn's right and Henry to his left.

"Shouldn't Leo be coming back in a little bit?" Finn questions.

Henry eyes the clock. "He should be on his way already" He confirms.

The door slams open and at that moment Leo walks through the door. All our eyes move to him. Finn smiles and gets up from his seat on the couch. He runs to Leo and hugs him as the other returns the hug.

"How was school?" Henry asks him.

Leo sighs. "My ex-boyfriend kissed me and the worst part is that I didn't stop him" He groans sitting on the singular couch across from me. Finn takes a seat back in his original spot. "Maybe that's not the worst part but it's bad enough that it happened!"

"He kissed you?" Henry raises an eyebrow. I look at him observing his body language. By the tone of his voice, I can tell he was annoyed by what Leo had just said. "And you just let him?"

Leo seemed nervous to look up at him but he did anyways. "Isn't that what I just said..?" He nervously chuckles but Henry didn't find amusement in that.

Finn looks from Henry to Leo and then to me with a confused look on his face. I lightly shrug in response as Henry continued to glare a hole in his head.

"Did you like it at least?" Finn asks.

"I feel like if I answer that, Henry might want to shove something down my throat"

"Okay— this has gone long enough, what the hell is up with you two," I ask standing up from the couch. "The tension is noticeable as hell. Why are you guys acting this way?"

Henry's expression shifts as his eyes land on me. I had no idea what was going on through his mind and Leo just had a bland expression on his face, he seemed like he wanted to say something but didn't want to risk upsetting the other who looked like he was about to rip someone to shreds. I sigh. "I'll stay here all day if none of you talk," I say like an angry parent. I was greeted with more silence. "The hickeys on your neck, who gave them to you?" I question. We had to start somewhere. Just because Finn was oblivious to their behavior and what was going on, doesn't mean I was.

"Henry did," Leo says. This seemed to take Finn by surprise as well as me but I didn't show it much since I somehow expected it. I wasn't sure if he would admit it like that though, even if it was me who asked but Leo always told us everything honestly if we asked.

I slowly nod. "Okay," I simply say. "And how'd this happen? Are you two dating or...?"

"No, we were drunk and hooked up— ever since we've been all touchy" Leo explains as he fidgets with his hands.

My eyes move to Henry. "Why are you mad that Leo kissed his ex-boyfriend?"

"I don't know" He mumbles as he leans back on the couch.

"Do you perhaps have feelings for him? Are you jealous?" Finn bombards Henry with questions raising an eyebrow. He cared a lot about Leo and sometimes Henry would piss him off. Henry tended to have a short temper and he got angry real quick, real fast. Of course, none of us minded it but Finn had always drawn the line on Leo.

"No! I don't" Henry snaps. "I just..." He pauses and looks over at Leo who was already looking back at him. He then looks at me. "I just don't like his ex" He settled with a sentence that seemed to be nothing more than a lie. Finn and I saw through his bullshit, Leo was a bit hesitant. "I'd rather not have this conversation"

"We're going to have the damn conversation if you're going to keep upsetting Leo" Finn scowls.

The three of us look at him with puzzled expressions since he was never mad often.

I don't think we've actually seen him this angry about... well— anything! The boy hardly even curses. It's just how he is.

"You two are going to fix whatever the hell is going on and make this trip more bearable, Wyatt and I will be in our room. If you guys don't fix this in the next twenty minutes... god so help me—" He stands up from the couch and grabs my wrist. I stand up as well as Finn leads us down the hall and to our room which happened to be right in front of Leo's.

I close the door behind us with my free hand as he eventually lets go of my wrist. "Why are they acting like children" He mumbles as he soon throws himself on the bed.

"That's what happens when you get absolutely wasted and fuck your best friend" I chuckle sitting on the bedside next to Finn.

"Like what happened in Canada?"

"We don't talk about what happened in Canada"

He grins sitting up and leaning on the bed frame as my eyes follow his every movement. "We had a great time, nothing wrong with that" He shrugs before adding, "and it was sober— not like these idiots who don't know how bad the aftermath could be or at least now they know so they won't do it again"

I hum in acknowledgment. "You're right but didn't you have a thing for Leo? Aren't you upset?" I question.

"Didn't you too?"

"Okay so the three of us are guilty of liking Leo but to be fair— look at him"

Finn chuckles. "And he's oblivious about it too"

"Just like you sometimes"


I playfully roll my eyes. "So what's happening next? I'm not cut out for couple's concealing"

He sighs. "I have no idea"

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