(Leo's POV) "The calm before the storm"

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I was hanging out with my friends, Wyatt, Finn, and Henry, trying to enjoy a lazy afternoon. Lately, things have been calm. The stalker hasn't tried to contact me for whatever reason but regardless, I wasn't able to let down my guard. I don't know what was happening anymore. I was relieved that the threats and messages had stopped but maybe it was because something bigger was going to happen and that was what scared me the most.

Soon, a knock interrupted my thoughts. I was expecting anyone so I hesitated before getting up to answer the door. When I did, I saw a very familiar face, my ex-boyfriend. He looked afraid as if I was going to die within the next minute.

I didn't know what to think, but I knew one thing for sure: this wasn't going to be a regular day anymore.

"Jax? What are you doing here?" I question. Everyone's attention immediately flew to the guy standing in front of me.

"Leo..." He quietly says pulling me into a tight embrace. "You're okay, thank god"

I stood confused as Jax had his arms wrapped around me. "Jax, what's wrong?" I ask as my ex-boyfriend tightens his grip on me burying his head into my shoulder. He wasn't saying a word and it began to make me anxious. "Jackson," I say. "Can you please tell me what's wrong?"

The older man pulls away from the embrace and looks at me. "I know who the stalker is or at least I know who's helping them get their way, they are a bunch of fucking traitors!" Jackson exclaims as his eyes began to overflow.

I close the door behind us to give him a little more privacy. I know he hated when people saw him in his most vulnerable state. "What are you talking about?" I question.

"Leo, I..." Jax quietly says not knowing where to begin. There was slight hesitance behind his voice.

I stand there, waiting for Jax to gather his thoughts. I can see the turmoil in his eyes, the pain, and anger he's trying to keep at bay. I've known Jax for years, and he's never been one to show his emotions easily. But something about this situation has him on edge, and I can't help but feel a sense of foreboding.

"Take your time," I say, trying to keep my voice gentle. "Whatever it is, I'm here for you and I want to help you. Something is upsetting you" I reach out and intertwine my fingers with his, hoping to offer some comfort.

Jax takes hold of my hand and then takes a deep breath as he begins to speak. "Lucas and Elijah, they're the ones who have been helping the stalker, the bad guy- whatever you want to call it" He explains. I immediately tense up from the words he had spoken and he could tell, judging by the fact that he held my hand tighter. "I was at his house, a few days ago. I came to his house because I didn't know what else to do. Your friends came for my help at school and so I asked Lucas what to do. Elijah was always high on something so I knew he wasn't going to help" Jax continues with the events that went down a few days ago at Lucas's house.

Jax told me everything that had happened, from my friends, asking him for help and information to him being stuck in a secluded hallway with both traitors. After twenty minutes had passed of hiding, Jackson and the three boys had left the premises but it wasn't long before Jackson snuck away from them.

"I hesitated a bit before coming here but I started to overthink it. What if they got to you first? Then what? I would never forgive myself if something happened to you" Jackson explains.

I crack a faint smile and this time it was me who pulled him into an embrace which he quickly returned. I don't remember the last time we fully embraced each other like this. There was no lust, it was just us appreciating each other to its fullest. Being in each other's presence brought me a sense of comfort that I couldn't explain. "I don't understand" I whisper. "Elijah and Lucas did this for a reason and they helped you out of there, they broke the rules because they didn't want to hurt me... us. They're not the bad guys"

Jackson breaks the hug to face me. "It doesn't excuse the fact that they were helping the perpetrator, was guilt really necessary for them to stop doing what they were doing?" He questions with all right.

I nod in agreement, understanding Jax's frustration. "I get it, Jax. But we have to focus on what we can do now. While we're still on the topic... Ace came to see me" I mention.

"He told me"

"But did he say that he knows who's the one after me?"

"What? Are you serious?"

I nod, feeling a lump form in my throat. "He said some things that pissed me off" I explain. "But he also mentioned how he'd help me with the stalker situation if I went with him, he knows who it is Jax but he won't tell me"

Jax frowns, his brows furrowed in thought. "We need to talk to him, Leo. If he knows something, he needs to tell us. We can't afford to ignore any leads, no matter how small."

I nod in agreement, feeling a sense of determination wash over me. "Let's do it, then. Let's track him down and see what he knows."

Jax nods, then reaches out and cups my face. "We'll get through this together, Leo. I'd walk through hell and back for you"

I chuckle. "You already did," I say leaning into his touch. "I'd ask to stay the night if I didn't have my friends over"

"It's all good," He says before leaning in to kiss my forehead. I smile at his gentle action.

"I want you to stay and hang out with us... if you're not doing anything?" I ask him.

"Even if I was busy, I'd cancel my plans for you" Jax smiles.

I chuckle at his response and open the door to my house. Jackson and I walk in as everyone's eyes lay on us again. "Is everything okay with you two?" Henry questions.

"Yeah everything's fine, he'll be hanging out with us for a while"

"Oh! Fun" Finn exclaims. "I was getting bored of beating Wyatt at this game, I need better competition"

"Get over yourself!" Wyatt complains.

"Can you both stop arguing?!" Henry groans.

"Who invited you into this conversation?" Wyatt questioned.

"No seriously" Finn seconded it.

It has been like this for the last hour or so. For two people that love fucking each other, they argue a lot. I look over at Jackson and he seemed amused. He noticed I was staring so he looked back at me with a soft smile on his face. I didn't think I still had feelings for him until I was standing in front of him. He still managed to give me butterflies with whatever he did but then...

I look at the bickering men and sigh. Jackson could tell my slight discomfort so he took my hand and led us into the hallway where the rooms were. He gave me a look that I hated because I couldn't help to be drawn in. "How are you?" He asks quietly.

"That's random" I point out.

"Seriously though..."

I take a deep breath. "I'm okay," I say. "Could be better but I'm okay"

He nods. "I've missed you" He then says as I start to tense up.

"You're the one who dumped me"

"Because I couldn't take it, you started to fall apart and I couldn't keep up. I couldn't continue to pick up the pieces"

"I don't blame you for leaving me"

"I didn't want to"

"I know"

"I love you, Leo"

"Please don't say that"

"But I do"

"But you shouldn't and you know exactly why"

We were met with more silence. Neither of us knew what to say. All I knew was that this was going to be a long day. Jackson reached to cup my face with one of his hands as he leaned in. "It wouldn't be the first time that I risked it all for you" He whispered sending chills down my spine. "I don't care what anyone has to say about us"

My legs were weak, my heart was fluttering and my face was all shades of red. He started to make me nervous, really nervous. Suddenly all my problems had washed away. Jackson grins watching my reaction to his words. "You're all I need baby and all I'll ever need," He says before connecting our lips.

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