Off The Wayward Path

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"What did I seek back then that had so much meaning to me? I was cold, starving, alone, and left to fend for myself in a world dyed red due to an uncaring father...I should've died." Beasts with large red claws and gaping maws filled with rows of teeth began to slither along the dreamy red backdrop as the voice kept narrating, over the sounds of death which came from sacrifices offered by the cultists who worshipped where the otherworldly beasts came from, their allure of untold power overriding any sense of hesitation in what was supposed to be a cautious species. "But I survived and was told to know my place daily by those who wished to take what had apparently been left to me by that scum which 'raised' me." The beasts roared harmoniously with a screeching reminiscent sound which would make any priest's or clergyman's blood run cold, sacrifices of all ages pouring in from red portals with most older dead and only the young ones alive. "I never intended to to take over that damned place I ran away."

"Unlike everyone else who had ambitions to serve that scumbag, I never had a story I wanted to tell there in the first place."


Snake Meadow Hill Church [1953, October 12th]


"Who are you?" A young boy with light brown hair had unknowingly come across a true demon who had light teal green hair and shiny but dull looking icy blue eyes, "...Layla..." She ran off into the vast cornfield, after the brief exchange but John as she had learned after reading his mind gave chase even as one of the nun's called for him to return, only losing him after of the chief followers of her father had retrieved the boy. "Miriam you understand what your servitude to our father entails? Or are you playing around on purpose, Zaerlaein?" The disguised demon who was a close servant of hers before taking up a mission to bring corruption to the human realm had smiled sinisterly, but wordlessly walked away while beckoning for the young entity to follow while implying she would be given a bed for the night. The boy that she had been trying to escape the day before having sought her out again and introduced his friend Lisa to her, the three quickly becoming inseparable which made Layla use her mesmer to make sure the other nuns aside from her fellow demon paid little mind to her, even fabricating some memories since she didn't really need to eat. 

"Why did you end up here?" John asked the nagging question which most orphans who had been new arrivals dreaded to answer but Layla answered confidently, "My father never wanted me, so I ran away." Her arms remained freely supporting her at her sides as she added, "If adults can do that to kids like us, then there's nothing wrong if I do the same right? We all end up at places like this either way." Her eyes somehow became a darker dull color as clouds reflected in her eyes, "The stories we tell...they inevitably catch up in time and with time become mythical tales for kids like us." Her reveal of the outlook she had on the world had sombered the previously calm and serene mood, but in a way both of her friends had understood what she meant for some odd reason. "We'll be late for dinner if we don't head back now, Miriam gets testy when we're late." She smiled brightly at John while holding her hand out to him, "Come on, John."


The Snake Meadow Church Incident [1957, November 23rd]


"John? Lisa? What's going on?..." My voice echoed weakly as a circle used to open a sacrificial portal to the  abyss had weakened my ability to stay present in the plane of existence, stumbling out of the twisted covers and onto the comforter which I had kicked on the floor in my sleep when the circle had been made, dragging myself to the closed door as that asshole who used to serve me faithfully had cackled using a female voice. 'If you hurt them Zaer...then I'll have no choice but to hurt you even if it means those who were sent by the Vatican kill me. Should I have to, I will drag you down into death with me.' As my body weakened enough to phase through objects, the dragging of my body became easier when I gained a solid form again while seeing a large black claw belonging to the asswad dragging children around the corner of the hallway. "ZaEr!!!" My voice has roared as I released the human appearance look on my arms which let me drag myself fast with my own set of grey claws with black nails, reaching a hatch in the main area of the altar in the central part of the church where the black shadowy blob that was Zaer had disappeared into the basement to presumably offer the orphans through the portal.

"Ubi sunt daemones!" My shout made Zaer smirk as an unconscious John and Lisa lay nearby as it finished throwing the last few orphans in the sacrificial portal with an infant being pulled out afterward, alng with Zaer disappearing in an attempt to flee while knowing I wouldn't follow because of my friends. "John, Lisa....can you hear me??....Please give me a sign!!..." John stirred a little in his sleep and Lisa did the same, but footsteps coming from above where the stairs were along with a heavy holy presence. "Reveal thy name to me, demon." A priest who I knew as Father Clarke stared down at me coldly as I blocked his view of my friends with the sacrificial portal nearby having closed, the remnants of what was used to summon it left behind. "Calyla." He lowered his cross as he saw my behavior then asked, "Who did this, Calyla?" The detective behind him remained apprehensive until I had disclosed what had occurred and which demon was responsible. "Please grant one request for me, Father Clarke." 

He listened intently as I asked, "Please allow me to undo some of what !#$%^& has done to them. The serum they were injected with can kill them unless I intervene since it is designed to resist holy rites." Clarke had wordlessly agreed with me and a few hours later, they had been spared the most grievous effects from the serum with only a few lingering non lethal effects remaining. "Take care of them, Father Clarke. And thank you for allowing me to leave, because I never had any intention to go back. I don't have a place there any way."


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