A Past Haunting

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"Are you our new neighbor? My name is Molly, I live next door with my fiancé." A woman with light brownish blonde hair had introduced to her new neighbor who had refined teal green hair and icy eyes that somehow possessed a warm glow to them, "Nice to meet you, Molly. My name is Lialen." Her smile warmed Molly up but her fiancé who was standing nearby was in utter shock at who he thought Lialen was and he found himself wanting to know why she had appeared again after disappearing during the incident at the church, which had promoted Father Clarke and the detective with him in their respective fields when they managed to find him and Lisa left alive. "I would hate to impose on you, Molly. So I'm afraid I will have to respectfully ask for a raincheck on your dinner invitation. Maybe some other time." John had come back to his senses as the best friend he thought he had lost walked away while barely sparing him a glance despite having known or possibly known who he was, seemingly not caring about him even though she only reappeared due to the last act of kindness she did for him. 'Is that really you, Layla? But why would you come back after all this time...why now?'

Meanwhile, Layla slumped against the door after entering her house and started to stifle a tear along with a muffled sigh after realizing how difficult it would be to protect John from his demons, along with the connect to the abyss she couldn't break for him back then. 'Can I really save him before my weakness takes over?....Because I don't want Aster to get to him or anyone who can possibly become a connection to the abyss.' 


Four Years Later [September 21st, 1986]


"If this is the only way I can make sure he doesn't fall, then I will do it." The words I had told myself earlier before following John and his superior Father Allred to the Martin house where Aster had been able to infect their daughter, and presumably had plans to use the other ritual to make a portal out of her possessed body. The form I was traveling in was limited in the way of communicating but from what I could observe the rite was going smoothly until Amy's parents had come down to see the commotion, causing John to have to strongarm them back up and into the kitchen where his...lack of empathetic tone did little to reassure the worried parents. 'He needs to hurry before Allred dies from Aster's thing that he allowed to possess Amy!' Using a bit of my mesmer on John, he finally went down where he saw Allred unconscious and Amy had vanished with only his superior's cross on the ground. "Take it and save her, John." My voice had come out as it was when I was younger and John had hurriedly picked up the crucifix running to find Amy and stating, "Don't worry, Amy. I',m coming to help you...no one should have to suffer." 

Following the clues I left in the house to lead him to Amy, I blocked out the brutal scenes of mutilated bodies that Amy's Demon had done to both Allred and her poor parents, John arriving in the attic as it tempted and goaded him with mentions of his dead mother but none stopped him as he raised the crucifix and attempted to continue. "I'm...I-I-I'M---...S-s-s-s-srooyyynnnn...." Amy began using my younger voice to lure John around the house after knocking him out and dispelled my masking spell to show him the carnage she had brought upon her own parents, the both of us seeing that she had mutilated Cindy's midsection and strangled her with her own intestines with the same being done to Bob.  "God will SaVE ...." The demon began mocking us as he started to reach his limit after seeing Allred's corpse being played with by Amy's demon like a corpse puppet, the lights cutting out as I gained enough power from his fear to manifest in an angel like form covered with misty clouds and sky blue eyes, "Do you wish to escape, John?" He pleaded with me to make it so as Amy continued to rage around us, "If you leave here, she can never have another chance to be saved again. Can you live with that?"

"I just want to go home...please let me go home....I just want to leave...pleaase let me leave......" He had begun to wail until I made him swear on it and then knocked Amy out by bonking her in the head with a bible, letting him walk out to the first responders that were called by concerned neighbors after sounds that seemed otherworldly began coming from the remote location. "I will never leave you, but you can't tell anyone about me. I am your angel after all."


Two Days Later [September 23rd, 1986]


"We have no idea who the lady that was found beside John Ward is, sir. He keeps calling her his 'angel' but given the fact he's lost it, and that they don't exist the claim amounts to the value of dirt." A detective threw down the case file in front of Dr. Spinel who was the pair's psychiatric doctor assigned in order to figure out what really happened at the Martin home since the general public, widely due to the catholic church's influence had been adamantly convinced that exorcisms and demons only existed in fiction. "I am an angel, doctor. My name is Lyla." Her response to the doctor's questions as well as John's unresponsiveness had persisted for days until Amy had been moved to a different institution, since the odd pair was able to tell that she was in the building and the woman who claimed to be an angel had persistently explained that it was Amy's presence causing their uncooperative nature in the investigation.

"So, as it turns out...you two are heroes sent to dispel evil and Amy had evil in her but was ultimately driven to killing her family?" Spinel had gone over his notes after getting a narrative from John which given the investigation into how Amy was raised, effectively removed the former priest as a suspect from the investigation since while thought to be delusional by the authorities and the doctors at the Yale Psychiatric Institution, he never had a history of violence nor was there any DNA evidence implicating him to something more sinister. 'These two should be medicated for anxiety then placed on watch and scheduled for follow up app.' The doctor only ended up medicating John who after regaining his senses once Amy was relocated, had continued the abusive treatment the institution provided which was being beaten and brainwashed into believing their assertion that nothing supernatural happened that night.


October 31st, 1986 - September 12, 1987


"We are still anticipating both the vessel and Calylanias to return soon, Gary." A member of his cult had informed the enigmatic leader who smiled when hearing about the lost little lamb who had been led astray by the one that fled from the Abyss, his romantic attachment to the former making him order for his followers to search the area in order to perform the Second Death Ritual on Amy.


John's Home


"What do you mean, honey?" Molly had asked her husband when he noticed the decrepit state of the house next door where he thought the woman who looked like Lyla had lived, "No one has lived in that house for the last five years. Now, get some rest...you have a job interview tomorrow right?" John was gently pushed back to the bed with his wife sleeping beside him moments later, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't the end...and what he started could not be finished so easily.


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