Prayers to Srimati Radharani

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Picture Credits: Madhavi Tuli on Instagram

Sri Prarthana-paddhati [Stavamala]

In his Sri Prarthana-paddhati [Stavamala], Srila Rupa goswami prays:

"O Queen of Vrndavana, O Radharani, Your complexion is like molten gold, Your doe-like eyes are captivatingly restless, a million full and brilliant moons wane before Your lustrous countenance, and a blue sari, having stolen the hue of a fresh rain-laden cloud, has enwrapped Your exquisite form. O Radha, You are the crest-jewel of all the dallying damsels of Vrndavana, fragrant and pristine like a budding jasmine flower. Your sublime form is adorned with priceless jewelry, and you are the best of all the charming and intelligent gopis. You are decorated with all wonderful excellences and surrounded by eight dedicated and beloved cowherd girls known as the asta-sakhis.

"The ambrosia of Your beautiful lips, red as the bimba fruit, is life-giving syrup to Krsna. O Radha, I am rolling on the banks of the Yamuna, my poor heart filled with anticipation, praying to You with all humility. I am guilty of being an offender, a rascal, a useless wretch--yet I beg You to kindly engage me in even the smallest service to Your lotus feet. O most merciful Lady, it will not become You to ignore this most distressed soul, for Your heart is always overflowing with compassion and love."

Shri Radhikastakam

Eight Prayers Glorifying Sri Radhika

by Shrila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami

Text 1

vraja-vara-vrsabhanoh punya-girvana-valli
snapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nu

When will Sri Radhika, who is a splendid ruby in the crown of all nectarean doe-eyed girls, a swan swimming in the lake of love for jubilant Lord Krsna, and a celestial vine sprouted from Vraja's exalted King Vrsabhanu, bathe me in Her service?

Text 2

sthalam abhi vara-kanci-lasyam ullasayanti kuca-kalasa-vilasa-sphita-mukta-sara-srih
snapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nu

When will Sri Radhika, who makes the sash of bells dance on Her hips splendid with red silk, and whose necklace of large pearls plays on the waterpots of Her breasts, bathe me in Her service?

Text 3

sarasija-vara-garbhakharva-kantih samudyat-
snapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nu

When will Sri Radhika, who is as splendid as a great lotus whorl, who is new nectar mixed with the camphor of youth, and whose bimba fruit lips blossom with a gentle smile, bathe me in Her service?

Text 4

ati-catulataram tam kananantar milantam
vraja-nrpati-kumaram viksya sanka-kulaksi madhura-mridu-vacobhih samstuta netra-bhangya
snapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nu

When will Sri Radhika, who, accidentally meeting restless Krsna in the outskirts of the forest, stared at Him with suspicious eyes as he cast amorous glances at Her and flattered Her with many sweet and gentle words, bathe me in Her service?

Text 5

vraja-kula-mahilanam prana-bhutakhilanam
pasupa-pati-grhinyah krsna-vat-prema-patram su-lalita-lalitantah-sneha-phullantaratma
snapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nu

When will Sri Radhika, who the girls of Vraja love as much as their own lives, who the gopa queen Yasoda loves as much as Lord Krsna, and who makes the heart of charming lalita blossom with love, bathe me in Her service?

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