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Third POV

A girl who lives in a small village, who's siblings idolized her, she was everything that they have been dreaming about.

The villagers respected the girl very much because she is really kind and caring, she mostly help everyone whether it is curing a sickly child, to helping looking out in the store.

Since the girl lives in a small village, some large country people look down on her, as they saw her as some kind of filth. But the girl didn't mind, she was too kind for the world.

Though, her village is mostly in tradition, so she can't disobey, except for the fact that she is training a hyuuga fighting style, for some reason, she could relate in the Naruto anime that her friend gifted to her.

The girl's friend is also a web, but her friend is an extrovert while she was a introvert. The girl's family, is known as the descendants of the moon goddess, but it's not like in the Naruto, they believe in the goddess of the moon, who is known as Neo Queen Serenity.

The girl was, sickly since birth, but it all went away when her family prayed to the goddess to give their child hope, and strength for her to be healthy.

And after some time, the girl was healthy, but her eyes changed in a pale lavender, her parents thought that she had gone blind but she surprised them that she can clearly see them.

That is until the girl tried the Byakugan that she had read and see, in anime. She thought that it wouldn't work but it did, making her fascinated.

When she told her web friend, her friend hugged her in excitement as she became her coach in her hyuuga training, as they called it.

It was that day, they were laughing, talking, like everything seems fine, but they said happiness will eventually going to be opposite as it will become negative.

The two girls worst fear had come, as the girl's youngest baby sister came running towards her.

"ONEECHAN!" The younger girl waved with a happy smile, the girl, and her friends watched in horror as a truck was going to crash to the younger girl.

The girl's web friend, looked stunned. So the girl too the responsibility to save her own sister.

She run, she run as fast as she could, but she saw, she couldn't save the two of them, so one had must sacrifice for the other's sake, so the girl pushed her younger sister with strong force causing the younger girl to roll down back to the road that she passed through.

*Beep! Beep!*

The truck driver pressed the honk of his truck but the driver couldn't stop in time so...







The girl's body known as Y/n was laying down on the furthest of the road, since the truck was going pretty fast, the impact is stronger.

Y/n's body was twisted in an odd way, head got muggled, was her eyes and mouth was open, showing her tongue, though, Y/n's other shoe was missing.

Her friend and sister come to her, even though she was bleeding, and was now dead, her friend hugged her body and mourned.

Her sister was shaking Y/n, hoping she would wake up. "Oneesan, please wake up... *sniff* you said you'll buy me ice cream right?... ONEESAN!!" She cried, as she now know that her big sister will not going to wake up anymore.

The sky also mourned with them, as ambulance and police came late to the scene, as they just captured the driver instead because the driver surrendered.


"Oh, Neo Queen Serenity, please, give my friend another chance to live a life, she doesn't deserve this death."

*water dripped*

As a water dropped into the secluded water that the moon is shining into, the water glowed for a second and then immediately died down after.


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