Naval Organization

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Open Circle Fleet
The Open Circle Fleet was an Armada within the Republic Navy and was led by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi.
It contributes to a majority of the identified units and ships.

2nd Fleet
The 2nd Fleet was a fleet within the Republic Navy and was stationed in the Quellor Sector which belonged to the Trade Federation. It formed a blockade in the sector and would often fight many Separatist Lucrehulk-class battleships.

Fifth Fleet
The Fifth Fleet was a fleet within the Open Circle Armada and was considered one of the smaller Republic sector fleets.
Despite this it contributes to a large number of identified ships and is seen in quite a lot of battles.
Notable officers within the Fifth Fleet include Jedi General Mace Windu and Admiral Shoan Kilian.

Identified Ships

Unnamed Ships
Anakin's flagship

The Endurance was commanded by Admiral Shoan Kilian and Jedi General Mace Windu.
Notable crew members included CT-411/6454 aka Commander Ponds, Sergeant Stew and CT-1477.
The Endurance was a Venator-class star destroyer
It was destroyed and crashed on Vanqor after being sabotaged by the bounty hunter Boba Fett while in his search for revenge against Mace Windu for killing his father Jango Fett.

The Venator-class star destroyer Guarlara was named after the hooved creatures native to the planet Naboo.
The Guarlara was one of the Venators attached to the 41st Elite Corps and is seen during the Battle of Coruscant where it is engaged in battle with the Invisible Hand while Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are rescuing Chancellor Palpatine, which ultimately ended in the Venator sending the Invisible Hand descending toward the planet. There had been a communication error and the crew of the Guarlara mistook the report to believe that the Chancellor had already been rescued and evacuated from the ship.

Liberty was a Venator-class star destroyer that was the flagship of Aayla Secura's task force that fought at the Battle of Quell where it was destroyed.
Notable crew aboard the ship was Jedi General Aayla Secura and Marshal Commander CC-5052 aka Bly.

The Negotiator was a Venator-class star destroyer that served as Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi's flagship for a majority of the Clone Wars.
It was destroyed in 20BBY when General Grievous and his forces ambushed Kenobi's fleet while they were on their way to Florrum to rescue Padawan Ahsoka Tano and a group of younglings that had been stranded following an attack by the pirate Captain Hondo Ohnaka following their completion of The Gathering.
Notable crew of the Negotiator included Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Admiral Block, and Clone Marshal Commander CC-2224 aka Cody.
The Negotiator housed, transported and supported much of the 7th Sky Corps and its sub-units including the 212th Attack Battalion.
While a part of the Open Circle Armada and the Fifth Fleet, it also served as part of Obi-Wan Kenobi's task force.

The Venator-class star destroyer, Resolute was the flagship of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and was a part of Skywalker's fleet, which was a task force that also included the Venator cruisers by the names of the Redeemer and Defender.
The Resolute served in many notable battles throughout the Clone Wars conflict until it was destroyed during the Battle of Sullust.
Attached to the cruiser were several Starfighter squadrons including Blue Squadron, Gold Squadron, and Shadow Squadron.
It also transported and supported Skywalker's 501st Legion and its sub-units such as Execute Battalion and Carnivore Battalion.
Notable crew members were Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Padawan Commander Ahsoka Tano, Admiral Wullf Yularen and Clone Captain CT-7567 aka Rex.
It also had a compliment of AT-TE walkers including the named ones ATAT300 and walker 773.
It also carried two Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors for Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, along with the G9 Rigger-class light freighter by the name of the Twilight.

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