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Clone sea ship
HAVw A5 Juggernaut
HAVw A6 Juggernaut
OMS Devilfish Sub aka One Man Submersible Devilfish
Republic hover boat
AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannon
Biker Advanced Recon Commando aka BARC speeder
CK-6 swoop bike aka freeco speeder
Infantry Support Platform aka ISP
Low Altitude Assault Transport carrier aka LAAT/c
Republic Scout Speeder
RTT-04 armored trooper transport aka Republic troop transport
RX-200 Falchion-class assault tank
TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank aka Republic Fighter Tank
Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport aka UT-AT aka Trident
All Terrain Attack Pod aka AT-AP
All Terrain Heavy Enforcer aka AT-HE
All Terrain Open Transport aka AT-OT
All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport aka AT-RT
All Terrain Tactical Enforces aka AT-TE
Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser aka SPHA-T

Low Altitude Assault Transport carrier aka LAAT/c
Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry aka LAAT/i
Nu-class attack/transport shuttle
Rho-class transport shuttle
Omicron-class attack shuttle

Named Vehicles

AT-TE 636

Lucky Lekku
Spaceward Ho!
Bad Kitty
Crumb Bomber
Separatist Nightmare
Service With a Smile
Bantha Poodoo
Dooku Boot
Grim Reaper
I Come In Peace
The Bug Stomper
Boot Gunray
Plo's Bros

Wampa Runner

Nu-class attack/transport shuttle
Shuttle 135
Shuttle 995

Omicron-class attack shuttle

HCVw A9 turbo tank
Transport One
Transport Two

AT-TE 636
AT-TE 636 was deployed at the Second Battle of Geonosis with the 212th Recon Division along with 6 other walkers. 636 and the other walkers formed a perimeter around the landing zone which only the forces from the 212th managed to make. 636 and the other walkers laid down covering fire for Waxer and Boil while they went to retrieve a wounded General Kenobi from his downed Gunship.

Walker 773 was an AT-TE that was used by clone troopers of Carnivore Battalion within the 501st Legion during the Battle of Devaron. 773 was one of the two walkers that was used to transport clone troopers onto the Separatist Munificent-class star frigate that was commanded by Cad Bane, transporting the kidnapped Jedi, Bolla Ropal.

ATAT300 was an AT-TE walker that was manned and used by troopers from the 501st Legions's Execute Battalion during the Battle of Devaron. Along with 773, ATAT300 was used to shuttle clone troopers onto the Separatist frigate for boarding.

23X is the designating of an AT-TE walker that was used during the First Battle of Geonosis.

71E was an AT-TE Walker that saw action during the First Battle of Geonosis.

Lucky Lekku

Lucky Lekku

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