daddy's little monster

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I looked at my daughter, so peaceful and gentle. Her head was on my chest and she was snuggled into my side. I didn't want to move because I was afraid I was going to wake her up. At the moment, Alex woke up.
"Hey dad," Alex mumbled, burying her face into my chest again. I smiled and brushed the hair out of her eyes.
"Morning baby girl. Sleep good?" I asked, touching her small hand. I smiled even more as she closed her eyes, trying to fall back to sleep.
"Daddy, I can't sleep," Alex mumbled, crawling onto my stomach and staying there.

*Alex's pov*
"Hey, dad? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Am I going to turn out like all the other divas? A bitch and a snob?" 

"No, not unless you give into their pressure and rude comments."

"Thanks dad. I love you!" I ran off and found trouble with Sheamus, an Irish born wrestler with the pale skin and ginger hair. 

"Well well well. Looks like somebodys gonna get the hell beaten out of them."

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