Chapter 48

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Liz could feel that there was still something between her and Joe and that something was still bothering him. She knew it because his kisses felt differently and whenever Liz tried to initiate more intimate activities Joe would dodge her and instead suggest watching a show or a movie. He didn't talk about what was bothering him, whenever Liz offered him an opening to talk about what was on his mind, he blocked her and changed the subject. And when he finally answered Liz' direct question about what was wrong with him he would say it was about work and the new company he was had just started marketing.

"It just takes some time to get used to the new people and processes, that's all. It takes a lot out of me. You know what it feels like, with your big project and all."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely." Then he gave her a crooked smile and that ended the conversation.

But Liz knew Joe better than that and she knew that he was hiding something and a day after that conversation she was convinced that her project and the fight they had about her work were still on Joe's mind and heart, hanging there like a dark rainy cloud.

And she saw only one way to solve the problem and ease Joe's mind. She should've done it much sooner, she now realized that. She had missed Joe as much as he missed her, she had noticed that during their night at the Queen concert and now she didn't understand why she didn't do something about her work taking up all her time and mind much sooner. She knew if she would wait another week, maybe even another day, she would have driven Joe away.

So, one week after their fight Liz plucked up her courage and walked into her boss's office with a heavy heart, but a mind set to her purpose.

"Liz, how may I help you?" Mr. Stevens asked with a smile and pointed Liz to sit down.

"Thank you," she replied politely and sat down, rubbing her hands against her thighs to get rid of the sweat that had gathered on her palms.

"You seem nervous, are you alright?"

Liz nodded slightly and took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm fine. But I have to tell you something."

"Alright?" Mr. Stevens supported his arms on the table and looked at Liz intrigued, "I'm all ears. You didn't blow the budget for your project, did you?" he asked with a nervous smile.

"No, no. Don't worry. We're all within the planned expenses. A little below them, actually."

"Wonderful! So, what is it you – "

"I have to give up the project," Liz interrupted him.

Mr. Stevens raised his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair. "That comes unexpectedly."

"I know," Liz said and nodded while swallowing the lump in her throat, "And I know it's an inconvenience and I am really sorry, but I have my reasons."

"And may I ask what those reasons are?" Mr. Stevens asked curiously, and Liz may have imagined it, but she felt like she heard slight anger in his voice.

Liz took a deep breath and nodded her head. "Someone in my family got a really bad diagnosis," she lied, "and we don't know how long they have and how much livability they'll be left with, so I just want to spend as much time as possible with them and try to enjoy it as much as we can." Liz' voice was calm but firm and her face was relaxed as she spoke. It took her all she had not to reveal her lie but Mr. Stevens must've been caught off guard by her statement because he didn't notice how nervous Liz was about lying.

She hated lying and she wished there was another way, but she knew her boss and the company's policies and how once you're good at something you're stuck with it, and you won't find a way out – unless it includes death; one way or another.

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