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I'm new so no bad vibs pls. Ohh and if this isn't what you opt for feel free to stop reading.

Ohh and guys you have to read this novel from the beginning to understand and enjoy it better. So here goes nothing.

*We've heard of different stories, different mafia stories to be exact and they always have endings it's either{A tragic ending or a happy ending} but they tell this stories in a different way, all do there is one thing that is always in these stories and that is the main male character is always the biggest, feared, ruthless and most powerful mafia there is. Here's mine but has this story been told correctly or does it have a different ending.

*Have you ever imagined a person created as both a hero and a villain if no then meet Euphoria Lee Murakami daughter of{Lee Murakami a feared don, the most feared man in the world. The king of the underworld and the biggest mafia there is and the ones yet to come, ruler of more than half of the world}. A unique young lady known to be a worrior since birth. A girl loved by all because of her selfless, kind, loving, brave and fearless nature. "The Exact Copy Of Her Father" unlike her two sisters Kitara and China. Euphoria is the most unique of the triplets even being the youngest. Joy, Happiness, Health, Wealth, and anything good is something they never lack. But everyone has ups and downs.






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